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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

JON VOIGHT Video Clips....posted by Ann Taylor

If you believe all of Hollywood is backing OBAMA...THINK AGAIN.....  


  1. I'm not an Obama fan but am not pleased with Romney as a candidate. I can't believe the Republican party couldn't do better.

  2. I'm not a Romney fan either but you know what I will gladly vote for him rather than Obama.

    Have to tip my hat to Voight, not many people in his position would dare to talk out against the anointed one.

  3. I am not a fan of anyone running. But definately will not vote for Obama. So I guess Romney is better then nothing.
    My choice would really be Ron Paul.
    We have more power in our fingers .. and am learning that each day.. Let's just hope the majority are thinking before they vote.

  4. Four more years of Obama and you can kiss America good-bye. He is an extreme socialist. Our founding fathers would roll over in their grave with the goings on in Washington. Everyone who considers themselves in the middle class spectrum will take a step down in the social ladder. Redistribute the wealth, what a joke. Even tell me all those jokers in Washington are interested in redistributing their wealth. Ha! A real joke. The rich will always be rich and we will be poor.

    I don't mine saying I voted for Ron Paul. Yes, I believe the Constitution of the United States has served us well. Vote for Obama and the Constitution will be rewritten with his signature on it or thrown out the window.

    A vote for Obama is a vote for full blown socialism in our future. He did a great job of duping the American public. He associates with radicals and I believe does not have the best interest of our country at stake here. I'll vote for a Conservative Democrat any day over this man.

  5. There isn't really anything wrong with Romney per say, especially if he is next to Obama, but for me I would much rather have a more conservative leaning candidate.

  6. Dan Savage is the name of a man who was suppose to be giving a speech on bullying. He decided to do Christian faith bashing in his talk. Students got up and walked out on his speech because he was insulting their faith and talking off topic. Mr. Savage decided he would demean the students walking out with a volgar comment. Incredible, this man had control of the room and became the bully. Muslims don't walk away, they throw their shoes.

    My point is Mr. Savage is noting more than a selective faith basher. No one of any faith should be demeaned for their beliefs. I wonder if Dan Savage will be welcomed back to the White House again. Heck, I would say anytime because he hates Christians. He is a hate speaker that is allowed to talk to America's children.

    This is a very dangerous sign of the times and happens all the time. The way things are going, the NEW AMERICA will never be as good as America in days gone by.

  7. The responds in this video clip is amazing. People from out of the country, people who don't speak English are protesting Arizona's Immigrations Laws. Check it out folks, it's your country. Do these people have the right to vote for those who would make laws and be the next president? Do the current laws on the books mean anything?

    Obama would love to have these people registered so he can take care of them, like the government needs to take care of the rest of us. It's sad when we can't do any better than Obama and Romney.

  8. Romney is the only one for me. I remember when he took a failing 2002 Olympics and turned it into a success.

    I believe he could do the same for the Country.

    He would also bring CLASS back to the White House. I believe Mrs Romney has the class that Jacky Kennedy had, Nancy Reagan has, Barbara and Laura Bush have, to name a few.

    What would you like him to do that you doubt he would do?

  9. I don't know who is better than Romney.

    I remember when Romney took a failing 2002 Olympics and
    turned it into a success. I believe he can do the same for the Country.

    I do not like Santorum-too preachy for me. Newt would be fine if he did not have so much baggage. Ron Paul is good for laughs-not Pres.

    The Romney's will also bring back CLASS to the White House. Class that was there with Jackie Kennedy, Nancy Reagan, Barbara and Laura Bush, to name a few.

    What would you like Romney to do that you do not think he will do?

  10. Believe me. It won't take much to bring class to the White House after the Obamas have been there. They are a disgrace to our country.
    They stand for nothing that is American.


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