Link Update

The Organizational Meeting minutes is updated and a link for it can be found on the right of this page. Salary Addendum is attached.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Military Wives...from Great Ann Taylor

A friend sent me this clip and I wanted to share it with all of you.

I will venture to say one of the most difficult things a spouse must do is watch their husband/wife leave home as they are called up to duty.  The heart wrenching role of being the spouse to a military man/woman is such a difficult one.  These women have taken that role and made themselves active participants, working WITH their husbands.  They can't physically be with their husband so they do the next best thing--show their support in a very public, loving way.

Turn up the volume and listen.  Also, watch the video, these women are helping their husbands and you can see the pride in their faces for their spouses.  If you can watch this, WITHOUT shedding a tear, you must be missing some emotional hard wire.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Politics Aside by Michael Cristo

All kidding and politics aside, this town deserves to have it's finances handled properly and not like a game of Risk.

The budget is to be approved by Nov. 20th.  That apparently was not done properly as evidenced by the board's own admission.  In the final budget they adopted, they lowered the Supervisor's salary and raise the receiver of taxes, both of which can not be done in the manner in which they were done, rendering the final budget... let us say, not adopted properly.

The cleanest way to rectify all of this is for the board to simply acknowledge, by resolution at an emergency meeting,  that due to... administrative details that were overlooked in the final budget, by law, the preliminary budget is automatically adopted as submitted.

If we can all hold hands across the town for this one seemingly simple solution in bi-partisan fashion, cast no blame or aspersions and simply do what is right by the residents of this town, perhaps we can get back to normal.

This is a simple solution that should be encouraged by any attorney.  I have every confidence that any action to the contrary will cloud the board for the foreseeable future, because to the average bear, it just looks like you are trying to cover something up, do something wrong or play games.

We don't deserve games.  I am prepared to contact the OSC myself on Monday.  There is a phone number for elected officials to call to ensure the the process is followed.  If no one elected in this town will stand up and fix this mess, I will gladly do it with the support of a number of people who care not about republicans OR democrats, rather just doing what is right.

As a Legislator, I believe I have a duty to act in the best interest of all residents.  I will publish this post in the advertiser next week if need be and implore everyone to stop playing games with the people's money and just follow the law.  No need to create full time positions, no need to make back room deals.  Accept responsibility for your actions, please!  Just do what is right.  That is a bi-partisan effort I think we all would applaud!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Malone Report..for your review....copied and pasted..judge for yourself.....


In the Matter of the Alleged Violations of § 130 of the
Executive Law and sections related thereto.

              -by-                                                                                               COMPLAINT

                                                                                                                    File #: 2010-2399   
       PHILIP MALONE, notary public,
The New York State Department of State (the "Department"),  in this administrative
proceeding instituted pursuant to Article 6 of the Executive Law, alleges the following as and for a complaint against Respondent:

                                            PRELIMINARY STATEMENT

1 .        This proceeding is brought pursuant to § 130 of the executive Law to revoke or suspend the notary public commission of the Respondent. The basis for the Department's enforcement proceeding arises out of Respondent's actions in, among other things:

By notarizing numerous (26) signatures on a document affecting elections in the county of Rensselaer, when the purported signatories did not appear before him, did not sign the documents before him, and did not affirm their signatures before him, the Respondent committed multiple acts of misconduct in violation of Executive Law § 130;

By notarizing a document entitled "Opportunity to Ballot Petition" in the county of Rensselaer, which . would have enabled Respondent to be a write-in candidate in a county election, and in which he therefore had a direct personal and pecuniary interest, Respondent committed multiple acts of misconduct in violation of Executive Law § 130;

By notarizing the petition documents without specifying the venue of the notarial actions, Respondent committed multiple acts of misconduct in violation of Executive Law § 130, and violated Executive Law § 13 7;

By refusing to submit a written statement upon request of the Department's investigator, Respondent failed to cooperate with a Departmental . investigation, and thereby committed misconduct in violation of Executive Law § 130,

By threatening the Department's investigator with legal action for pursuit of the investigation into multiple complaints involving allegations of notarial misconduct, Respondent not only failed to cooperate with a Departmental investigation, by further committed an action of gross misconduct in violation of' Executive Law § 130.


           2.        The Department is a governmental agency charged with the regulation of notaries public and with the enforcement of § 130 of the Executive Law. Specific authority to bring this enforcement proceeding is provided by Executive Law §130. This proceeding is subject to Articles 3 and 4 of the State Administrative Procedure Act and 19 NYCRR Part 400.


3.         The Department is a governmental agency charged with administration and enforcement of  § 130 of the Executive Law.

4.         At all relevant times hereto, the Respondent PHILIP MALONE ("Respondent”) was commissioned as a Notary Public, under license UID # 01MA6153478, with registered mailing address at 604 Chatham Ct., East Greenbush, NY 12061, and with most recent licensing period ending 10/2/14.


5.         On or about 7/20/10 and 7/21/l0, Respondent notarized twenty-six (26) signatures on a document entitled “Opportunity to Ballot Petition" (the "Petition").

6.      The said Petition was intended to he submitted to the Rensselaer County Board of Elections, to allow an unnamed candidate to be a write-in candidate for election, which unnamed person was revealed during the Department's investigation to he the Respondent himself.

7.         The Respondent's actions in notarizing a document in which he had a vested and/or pecuniary and/or beneficial interest in the outcome, that being, to be permitted to be a candidate for political office, were evidence of misconduct as a notary public.

8.            The signatories to the Petition did not appear before the Respondent to sign the Petition.

9.         The signatories to the Petition did not provide to the Respondent in-person acknowledgements of their signatures to the Respondent.

10.       The Respondent tailed to identify the venue of his notarial act(s) on the Petition.

11.       The failure to indicate the venue of the Respondent's purported notarial act is a violation of Executive Law Section 137, and constitutes misconduct pursuant to Executive Law 130.          

12.       Based upon multiple complaints filed with the Department alleging improper acts on the part of the Respondent in connection with the notarization oh the Petition. the Department conducted an investigation.

13.       During the course of the investigation, the Respondent failed to submit a written statement upon request of the Department's investigator, clear evidence of a failure to cooperate with a Departmental investigation.

14.       During the course of the Department's investigation, the Respondent advised the Department's investigator that he believed the complaints to be politically motivated, and that he would use the same political connections to have the Department's investigation quashed, which constitutes clear evidence of gross misconduct, and of a failure to cooperate with a Departmental investigation.

15.       After commencement of the Departments investigation, the Respondent acknowledged his error to the Rensselaer County Board oh Elections, and requested that due to the "administrative error" on his part, that the Petition be withdrawn, which then happened. 

16.       During the course of the Department's investigation, information was brought to the Department's attention that legal action had been commenced against Respondent for similar notarial misconduct in the prior year, and evidence was submitted regarding an Order to Show Cause entered in Rensselaer County.

17.       Regarding the prior action. Respondent was asked to submit a written statement, which he refused to do; clearly evidence of a failure to cooperate with a Departmental investigation.

18.       The actions of Respondent constitute gross misconduct on the part of a notary public, pursuant to Executive Law Section 130.

BY REASON OF THE FOREGOING, the Respondent is charged with engaging in the following, acts of professional misconduct:

By notarizing numerous (26) signatures on a document affecting elections in the county of Rensselaer, when the purported signatories did not appear before him, did not sign the documents before him, and did not affirm their signatures before him, the Respondent committed multiple acts of misconduct in violation of Executive Law § 130;

By notarizing a document entitled "Opportunity to Ballot Petition" in the county of
Rensselaer, which would have enabled Respondent to be a write-in candidate in a county election, and in which he therefore had a direct personal and pecuniary interest, Respondent committed multiple acts of misconduct in violation of Executive Law § 130;

By notarizing the Petition documents without specifying the venue of the notarial actions, Respondent committed multiple acts of misconduct in violation of Executive Law § 130, and violated Executive Law § 137;

By refusing to submit a written statement upon request of the Department's Investigator, Respondent failed to cooperate with a Departmental investigation, and thereby committed misconduct in violation of Executive Law § 130;

By threatening the Department's investigator with legal action for pursuit of the investigation into multiple complaints involving allegations of notarial misconduct, Respondent not only failed to cooperate with a Departmental investigation, by further committed an action of gross misconduct in violation of Executive Law § 130.

WHEREFORE, the Department demands the following relief:

1.         Revocation or suspension of Respondent’s notary public commission;
2.         Such other and further relief as the tribunal deems just and proper.

Dated: April 22, 2011

                                                                                                     Linda D. Cleary
                                                                                                     Senior Attorney

Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Sign of the Ann Taylor

No politics, nothing controversial, just a simple post...kind of....

Has anyone else noticed all the signs littering the lawns and power poles.  This is not an issue known only to East's everywhere.  When I drive on Rt 4 and see LAST YEAR'S HAUNTED HOUSE SIGNS ATTACHED TO THE POWER POLES it's an eye sore.  TAKE THEM DOWN!  Once the event is over take your sign down.  It's not difficult, you put them up, you take them down. 

It's bad enough we have to deal with heavy traffic on Rt 4 and abandoned buildings on Columbia Tpke.  We should not be subjected to haunted house signs that are a year old.

And the garage sale signs--once your sale is over, take the signs down.  It's a simple courtesy that should be practiced.  

If you are involved in an organization that is hosting a fundraiser you are welcome to post the event BUT once it's over, take the sign down.  Seeing a sign for last May's Brooks BBQ is just ridiculous. 

And the sandwich board signs advertising a school event....let's just say that when May hits I don't want to see a sign at Couse Corners advertising for the school's MARCH show.  Take the sign down! 

Sorry but enough is enough already with the old signs and something needed to be said.  Your thoughts?

Friday, January 28, 2011

Double Standards, Double Talk and huh? by Michael Cristo

Somedays, even we get tired of writing here, but then others just leave you scratching your head.  Couple of things I just want to throw out there because... well there's a whole lot that just doesn't make sense.

Politics shouldn't be a game where it's right for me and not right for you.  If it's right it's right, if it's wrong it's wrong, period!  I was lambasted during the election and for the better part of last year for, (and I'll repeat the ridiculous term here), being a double dipper.  More from Councilman Malone than any other member of the democratic party, but the party as well, were so outraged and offended by the double dipping practice, that they had Phil Danaher and myself removed from the board by the court.  Hey ya win some ya lose some.

The hypocrisy of opposing an individual, who by the way followed a long standing practice in the County, of holding one paying position at the County and then another at the Town must make one wonder why THIS SAME board, would condone three people, who by the way did not train or plan for a replacement, but three people to retire taking advantage of the retirement incentive, and THEN hiring the very same people back as independent contractors TO DO THE SAME FREAKIN JOB!

Forget about double dipping at different levels of government, this board is actually condoning it in the same position.  Is it me or is this a contradiction of epic proportions?  OK we'll move on, maybe I'm wrong.

How about passing over a long standing town resident who has been an active member of the fire department and a competent guy to appoint three new officers to the police department.  I'm sure that the three officers are qualified, but at least one does not already live in Town.  The individual who got passed over is of outstanding character, would have been a lateral move and has paid taxes in this Town for years.  Surely he should have been at the top of the list... maybe he just has the wrong last name... again, I could be wrong.

Ok, so let's go to the article submitted by the Chief Fiscal Officer of the County this week... Mike Slawson.  Mr. Slawson corrected, in this week's advertiser, Mr. Malone's contention that "Rensselaer County Taxes are among the highest in the State."

Mr. Malone will likely spin this and dismiss it as a mere formality of facts, but Mr. Slawson is very clear about the inaccuracy of Malone's statement, although he doesn't name him.  It's one of those instances where you shouldn't believe the facts, just what you're told by those in office.  That makes sense.  Here is what Mr. Slawson left out of his article, likely for brevity, which I tend to totally disregard:

According to the New York State Association of Counties (NYSAC), just 9 state mandates consume 90% of the county property tax levy across the entire state.These mandated programs include:
Medicaid Child Welfare Temporary Assistance/Safety Net Indigent Defense Early Intervention
Preschool Special Education Probation Youth Detention Pensions

89% of the County taxes are mandated by the State, meaning the State legislature makes us pay for things they didn't think of when they forced the programs on us.  The above 9 programs, according to Mr. Slawson and the report from the NYSAC, make up 90% of your County tax bill.

Mr. Malone likes to cast blame anywhere but within his own party or himself for that matter.  How about his solution to some of the problems that they continue to ignore.  The million dollar pay down the Supervisor notes in his report mostly came from the highly successful and well received property revaluation in Town which had a net gain of over $800,000... yeah it's easy to pay down debt when you're sucking it out of the tax payers.  We didn't have a 25% increase, because we didn't need one... we got it from a number of back door methods.

As for the Deputy Chief position... another head scratcher that I opposed over a year ago.  Not quite sure how adding another level of bureaucracy to an already bureaucratic ladened Town is any kind of solution, especially when you had to raise salaries to do it, both the Chief's and the Deputies, but hey, it's the golden rule right?  Those with the gold rule?  In the meantime, the very people who voters trusted to be a different kind of leader... simply seem to just play follow the leader and any financial or administrative know how is simply viewed as a minor inconvenience.  Maybe I'm wrong.

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