All kidding and politics aside, this town deserves to have it's finances handled properly and not like a game of Risk.
The budget is to be approved by Nov. 20th. That apparently was not done properly as evidenced by the board's own admission. In the final budget they adopted, they lowered the Supervisor's salary and raise the receiver of taxes, both of which can not be done in the manner in which they were done, rendering the final budget... let us say, not adopted properly.
The cleanest way to rectify all of this is for the board to simply acknowledge, by resolution at an emergency meeting, that due to... administrative details that were overlooked in the final budget, by law, the preliminary budget is automatically adopted as submitted.
If we can all hold hands across the town for this one seemingly simple solution in bi-partisan fashion, cast no blame or aspersions and simply do what is right by the residents of this town, perhaps we can get back to normal.
This is a simple solution that should be encouraged by any attorney. I have every confidence that any action to the contrary will cloud the board for the foreseeable future, because to the average bear, it just looks like you are trying to cover something up, do something wrong or play games.
We don't deserve games. I am prepared to contact the OSC myself on Monday. There is a phone number for elected officials to call to ensure the the process is followed. If no one elected in this town will stand up and fix this mess, I will gladly do it with the support of a number of people who care not about republicans OR democrats, rather just doing what is right.
As a Legislator, I believe I have a duty to act in the best interest of all residents. I will publish this post in the advertiser next week if need be and implore everyone to stop playing games with the people's money and just follow the law. No need to create full time positions, no need to make back room deals. Accept responsibility for your actions, please! Just do what is right. That is a bi-partisan effort I think we all would applaud!
The blog is written and monitored by Ann Taylor and Michael Cristo. Comment's origins are unknown. Comments do not reflect the views of Ann or Michael. We hope you enjoy your visit to this blog! Sit back, relax, and weigh in on East Greenbush issues!
Link Update
The Organizational Meeting minutes is updated and a link for it can be found on the right of this page. Salary Addendum is attached.
Friday, December 16, 2011
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My goodness Michael, I just sent you an e-mail saying that I was thinking of sending the Board a suggestion which is almost exactly what you outlined in this post. I think it is a solid plan, and gets everybody out of the problem position of "going along" with some ad hoc "solution" which does not follow the law. Well done. Anything additional that may need to be "fixed" can be done at the Organizational meeting.
ReplyDeleteWhy not put this post in an e-mail and send it to the Board?
Gee, when did you two pass the Bar?
ReplyDelete#2, So much for doing what's right. Please then, by all means, detail your plan for addressing a problem that the board has admittedly created, because they not only voted on the budget which include the change in Supervisor's salary, but Ginny O'Brien went bragging and explaining it in the Troy Record. At the board meeting she noted that the Supervisor's salary was NOT changed. Well, admittedly, I am NOT an attorney, so which is it, changed, not changed, legal, not legal. Surely you have something more to offer than sarcasm! And if it wasn't changed, but was voted on, how did they change it back? Any answers for that. Remember, this is public money we are talking about, not their private war chest.
ReplyDeleteI will do what is within my authority to do, contact the OSC on MOnday and ask them to either come in and help us sort it out, or explain the best course of action. At least there will be a challenge to the action on the record. You obviously being an attorney yourself, must have answers to all these questions and conundrums that have surfaced, yes?
#2....Problems are sometimes avoidable and difficulties are sometimes solvable simply by having the ability to read the English language and apply rational thought in a given set of circumstances.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Mike, for stepping in and trying to get this mess sorted out. We know we can't expect the Board to do anything. It seems that NOT ONE Board Member knew Richard Benko was paid $65,000 this year for his Positions as Deputy Comm of Public Works/Consultant to DPW.
ReplyDeleteI say this, because there was not one challenge to David Van Wormer when he said he was doing the job ALL by himself. The job being Comm of Public Works, for which he was paid $60,900. Does this show incompetence or something much worse on the part of the Board?
I would like to know if Richard Benko did NOT help David Van Wormer, WHAT WAS HE DOING FOR
Can some EG res, please, tell me just what is going on?
Mike, this should go in the Advertiser. Let the people of Our Town know just what is going on. I think the residents should know what Ginny is all about. I forgot about the Troy Record article. First it was, then it wasn't. This has gone beyond Keith Langley.
ReplyDeleteAnother thing. It seems that they are throwing OUR money away like it is coming from a bottom less pit. These people have to be stopped. I am one of the 99% and can't afford much more. I am positive there are many more like me.
Unfortunately in this town, the right note, from the wrong instrument is not heard as music, but noise. If this was THEIR idea, they'd be inspired. They lack the temperament to right a wrong for fear of giving the appearance that they are fallible. They would prefer to travel a thousand miles to reach their destination rather than simply turn the corner.
ReplyDeleteMy account of the Town Board Meeting.. Discusting and shameful. To band together and lie to the public that you swore an oth to.
ReplyDeleteIs their any crediability left in this town?
Where do we give 18% raise with our economy in a downfall and aren't we in junk bond status? OH I get it. NO more stipends. The 18 % was for the suckpump that lied along with his counter parts.. okay, I get it.. Have to keep that lie going VanWarmer or you might be out on your A$$.
#5. Benko started the year as Dep Commish, but when Jim Moore left his planning position, Mr. Benko moved into that office, to pick up the slack and assume Mr Moores Duties, thus saving the town thousands by not replacing Mr Moore with another Salary.
ReplyDeleteThe four Democratic mJority members of our town board think that OUR town, OUR budget and OUR MONEY are theirs to screw around with as they please.
ReplyDeleteThey try to do as much as they can in secrecy.
Thank heavens for citizen activists!
Please come to the Organizational Meeting on January 2 at 5:30 PM. Please stay informed and involved.
#9, when did Mr. Benko leave his Deputy Commissioner position? A time line would be great. Is a Deputy Commissioner not needed or will one be appointed at the 2012 Organizational Meeting? I say skip the position and the current DPW Commission gets a raise, but not 18%.
ReplyDeleteForget it Skip It....this is about passing out the fat of the land to the Dem Committee cast of characters. Watch for newly created jobs to handle the ever increasing complexity of municipal management at the Organizational meeting. I've heard that some "faithful" have been replaced by other "faithful" so that jobs must be increased (at a cost to the taxpayer, soon to be justified by Stenson's committee) but certainly within reason given the state of the economy.
ReplyDeleteGood grief!!
Is this the way all towns are run? Someone leaves a job and another person just steps in to do that job, thus leaving his #1 job-Deputy Comm of DPW and job #2-Consultant to DPW. How much was Mr Moore paid for his job before he left? This whole thing sounds like one big mess.
ReplyDeleteDidn't the Town Board have to be informed about this? If they were informed, how come it was not mentioned at the Town Board Meeting?
#11 Great idea. That would be a big savings in benefits.
ReplyDeleteThe Deputy Comm of Public Works, per the 2010 Salary Schedule received $0 ( and go to 2010 Budget, scroll to the bottom and you will see $0 for Deputy Comm of Pub Works). The 1/3/11 Organizational meeting minutes list Richard Benko as Deputy Comm of Public Works but the position is not listed on the 2011 Salary Schedule. Since the Deputy DPW Comm did not receive a salary or any compensation in 2010 and since the Deputy DPW Comm is not even listed on the 2011 Salary Schedule why should the current DPW Comm receive an 18% raise for something he claims to be doing the work for when, the people who have done that job in the past (Dep DPW Comm) received zero compensation for it. If the current DPW Comm believes he is due an 18% raise for doing something that previous people did for nothing than the current DPW Comm is out of touch with the pay scale.
ReplyDeletePolitics not aside...
ReplyDeleteGinny O'Brien lied. There it is - someone had to say it.
Her "story" to the Troy Record was a series of lies - one right after the other.
Everything involved in the total mess Ms. O'Brien and the majority turned our budget and salary schedule into happened after Election Day and happened as they absorbed the shock of Keith Langley being selected to be our supervisor by a majority of the voters of our town.
Lies are hard to straighten out. And that is exactly why the Town Board now finds themselves in the latest mess of their own creation.
"RESOLVED, that Paul Mason and Robert Guynup be appointed as Deputy Commissioners of Public Works each at an annual salary not to exceed $10,000.00" - January 13, 2010.
ReplyDeleteI'd argue that the Board amends the salary schedule any time an appointing resolution states a salary.
#17, I believe there is a provision that allows the Commissioner to appoint two deputies in a limited capacity, much like the receiver appoints her staff. While they may have been approved by the board, i do not believe they are selected by the board nor are they full time.
ReplyDelete#17---If the last DPW Comm (which apparently is Richard Benko) did not receive any compensation for the position than one cannpt argue they should receive additional compensation for doing absorbing "duties" of that position. Apparently the Deputy DPW Comm is not very taxing; Mr. Benko was sitting right there when The current DPW Comm said he did not have a Deputy and Mr. Benko never said a word. Guess the position is not so busy that one remembers even performing those duties.
ReplyDelete#17--The point is an 18% raise is an exhorbitant percent for a raise. There are people who have not received raises in a few years. Some people received a raise of 3% this year and that is the first raise they have seen in 4 years, which means they are averaging less than 1% each year for the last 4 years. The unemployemnet rate is 9%--I would venture to say we could find someone even more qualified to do the DPW Comm job for LESS than what we are paying him now and THAT person wouldn't mind taking the Deputy's duties as well. That person would be happy to have a job with full benefits and an enrollemnt in a pension system. Gratitude is highly underrated.
ReplyDeleteThe Town is running at a deficeit in excess of a million dollars, as the Supervisor admitted during the Board Mtg when asked by the first person with a question for the Board. The Town is in junk bond status. With those 2 financial issues now is not the time to be granting 18% raises to anyone. We are hit with yet another tax increase by the Board Majority (thank you Rick Matters for voting against this nasty budget) and the Board Majority takes that money and hands it out in the form of 18% and 15% raises to some individuals. Where is the Board Majority tightening its belt--Ginny O'Brien, as the Board Majority leader should know better than to condone this. She is experienced and is the senior member of the Board Majority. She has been complicit in, an at best questionable budget with questionable salary nonsense, at worst, an illegal budget. On top of those actions she is onboard with raises in the double digits knowing full well the Town's financial condition.
If this Town were a business, no way would it be approved for any credit or lending and no way would it be able to survive financially. Anyone in the credit analysis field would review the information that IS public, such as the budgets and salary schedules, and not grant one dime to a small businss or large corporation with these financials.
The Town has a constant source of income which is our taxes. They will continue to see revenue flowing in. Even knowing THAT, no financial institution would grant a loan or extend credit to a business with this Town's financial record. And I am being lenient by assuming what we see is the worst of the finances.
Alot of money in this town is leaked. Look at the Transfer Station, between scrap and not charging everyone, those are BIG revenue leaks that we all pay for. That's just one example. Take a look at any equipment the Town purchases and then doesn't use--that's another example. These are all revenue leaks that do not show up on financial records. It's under the table and/or just plain negligent on the Town's part.
But nobody wants to discuss the waste of our tax dollars. Which is why waste grows and grows and becomes a beast the taxpayer is forced to feed.
Now--the double digit raises.....with this financial record....maybe there should be an "Occupy East Greenbush" tent station set-up in front of Town Hall....holy Moses, smell the roses; this Town is bleeding us dry both legally and possibly illegally as well.
I find this whole thing confusing - as I suspect the Board intended it to be. So how did Mr. Langley end up with a $70,000 salary? How did he end up with that when Ms. O'Brien was quoted as saying he did not deserve as much as Mr. McCabe (paraphrasing)? How did he end up with that when the revised salary schedule showed a much lower amount? Did Mr. Langley have to agree to something in order to get what he rightly deserved? I'd like to know.
ReplyDeleteI guess that is why there are certain laws in place which prevent such hijinks. The public should not be left guessing and making assumptions. This Town Board is nothing short of a disgrace.
#16 is absolutely correct. The MOM majority got itself in difficulty right out of the chute by trying to screw around with lawful processes for political/personal gain. The story of East Greenbush's political history in microcosm. Bend the law, make it up, bully it thru. And the people are left holding the bag.
ReplyDeleteHow many new jobs will we see at the Organizational meeting?
The tone of this blog is sometimes so panicky. The new supervisor hasn't even been sworn in yet and already scary problems are being identified and solutions are being proposed with such urgency. At the end of the day it is the supervisor elect who will handle things HIS way. What if we all just supported and encouraged him and stopped trying to push him around? I can tell you right now, he's no pushover. We need to ask the new supervisor how we can best be a HELP to him rather than a hindrance. We need to ask him what HE wants, what HE needs. Too many of us think we know how to run the town. We tell the new supervisor he NEEDS to to this and he NEEDS to do that. Guess what? He doesn't NEED to do anything that he doesn't want to do. Change your approach and ASK how you can help and support the new supervisor, ask how you can be of service to him without telling him what to think, say and do. Try that approach for a change and see if a makes a difference. I bet it will.
ReplyDeleteMike, just a footnote here concerning the budget. I have the October 28,2010 Advertiser. On page 11 is a political ad which states the following.
ReplyDeleteThe caption reads:
East Greenbush Town Council.
We pledge:
-To have yearly audits
-To adhere to Budget Guidelines provided
by NYS
- To READ the entire
-To fulfill our duties as Department
-To solicit business into town
-To improve our Parks and Existing Programs
-To have open and transparent meetings
-To respect our town &its citizens
-To take responsibility for our own actions
Politics aside, my foot. Instead of working together to solve the legal problem that MOM created with the budget documents, local "tom-toms" are saying that there is a real cat/dog fight going on with MOM it/her/him self. Seems that M and O and M all want to run for Supe next time around and are already scratching eachothers eyes out. This translates into attempting to create and sustain a constituency with the Dem committee for each competitor, and a royal screwing for the taxpayer. Just watch the "jobs" musical chairs and the new "jobs" at the Organizational meeting. Good grief..... No shame at all...
ReplyDeleteHere are a few quotes that I believe are appropriate for the situation we find ourselves in, concerning the recent actions by the Town Dem Comm.
ReplyDelete1. Being silent isn't being strong, it's being a victim.
2. If God sends us on a strong path, we are provided strong shoes.
3. Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there.
4. These are the days for strong men to courageously expose wrong.
Michael, Godspeed!
#20... One thing this Town has a problem with...It's doing what people think they "need" as opposed to what the law is. Mr. Langley, Mr. Matters and MOM need to follow the law. It's that simple.
ReplyDelete#20---He has been asked, more than once. The games he has played with certian people regarding appointments is wrong. He has been asked by people with much more experience than those willing to list their names on this blog.
ReplyDeleteOK Reps, is Mr Langley being duped by the Dems, or were we duped by Mr Langley? That is a great question. It doesn't look good.
ReplyDelete#23, if the MOM group is fighting to be Supvr, we evidently can't expect much from Mr Langley.
They will make sure he is a failure.
Wake up, Mr Langley, do you think the Dems are on your side? Why are you NOT staying with the people you know? Maybe Ginny was right-you are not ready for Big Time. If one can call EG Big Time.
Quotes in #24-my favorite is #4.
What is wrong with Mr Langley? Is he working with the Dems concerning jobs that HE is legally entitled to appoint the people to the positions? Does this mean, in reality, the Dems are appointing who THEY want? It can't be, can it? If this is happening, we do have a right to know what is going on. Maybe you should wait and see the outcome before you say anything.
ReplyDeleteConcerning #24, I would like to see a contest of sorts, to see which is the most popular quote. I like #1. It fits us now; we are starting to speak our minds. The Town Board Meeting was a good example.
Was any action taken yesterday-Mike getting in touch with the OSC, or did the Board rectify the situation?
ReplyDeleteIf I had to bet, I would say, "Neither".
As people study the political shenanigans being perpetrated by O'Brien, Mangold and Malone is anyone surprised that these same "leaders" (Yikes! Hate to even use that term) are totally resisting the ethics code recommended by their very own Ethics Board?
ReplyDeleteThe Organizational Meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 2, 2012 at 5:30 PM.
Please show up. Bring the 2011 Organizational Meeting minutes with you. Bring the 2011 Salary Schedule. Compare both to the same documents for 2012.
Sit there and compare how creative and underhanded our so called political leaders have gotten in giving away OUR money to their family and friends. It is NUTS but we take it year upon year.
There will be an election in 2013. Remember the lies told this year by Mangold and Malone to get themselves re-elected. Especially remember all the lies told by Ginny O'Brien in her still amazing interview with the Troy Record.
My parents used to tell me that being truthful and honest was like being pregnant. A person is either truthful and honest or is a liar. No in between.
O'Brien, Mangold and Malone are liars. And their lies do nothing less than transfer OUR money to their family and friends. And we take it.
I'm sure Mr. Langley realizes he has to appoint the best people for the few jobs he controls.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure he also realizes he must work with the rest of the Town Board to get thngs done.
He's not obliged to consult with the blogs in making his decisions at this point or any for that matter.
He should be his own man and keep close counsel.
I am not sure where the issue of the salary for our supervisor elect is currently. It seems from the information we have it has not be resolved. So Mike have you made that call to the OSC? If you did, what did they say?
ReplyDeleteWell, here we are boys and girls....eleven days away from 2012, and no sign whatsoever of the Toski financial statement audit of 2010 or the AUD due to the State Comptroller eight months ago. Do you think those reports contain anything which might support an argument against electing Mangold and Malone last November? Odds are looking real good.
ReplyDeleteTo answer a number of comments that have been posted, no I have not posted all the comments, for a number of reasons, but mostly because some of them are baiting and some just plain mean. I will answer the question that was asked a few times.
ReplyDeleteYes, I did in fact call the OSC. I was provided a phone number that is used exclusively for elected officials and attorneys. I was asked which office I held and they verified it before speaking with me. I mentioned the situation here in East Greenbush and it is being referred to an attorney who specializes in that area.
#33, I do not believe that the salary issue is sufficiently settled by any means. No official action has been taken, no legal argument has been made or opinion rendered on how to deal with the situation. Right now, from what I can tell, we only have Ginny O'Brien "saying" that he will still ge the same salary. Under what legal premise is that accomplished. How does Mr. Langley go into an office with, "Well ginny said so!"? There needs to be a resolution or some official board action before anything is set in stone. It doesn't cost me anything, but it could cost Mr. Langley and tax payers if it isn't done right.
There is a process. What we have learned in this Town is you can take no official elected or otherwise, at their word. Government is not a place where we make promises, we vote on action on the record. Without a paper trail and a legal document noting his salary, I do not believe the salary issue is settled.
I will report back once i hear from the OSC.
Neither is the salary of the Receiver of Taxes settled. The salary schedule for the Preliminary budget had a salary less than the salary shown on the (minimally circulated) salary schedule for the Final budget. The Board can't raise the salary of an elected official simply by changing it on the second schedule.
ReplyDeleteThis whole legal process issue and the matters of compliance with the law started with the MOM majority trying to screw with the salary of the newly elected Supervisor and his secretary - and adding to the patronage salaries. (With the help, I might add, of the CFAC - the "non-political" creation of Ms. OBrien.) If this bunch could only contain themselves to complying with the law, we wouldn't have these problems. Always trying to gain an ill-gotten advantage instead of governing in the interests of the people.
ReplyDelete9:56 Actually they could have had they simply made the salary schedule a part of the budget But they didn't. They deviated from the normal process and they were a little reckless in their approach. I think they will be stuck with the preliminary budget when all is said and done but I have been wrong before. we'll see.
ReplyDelete11:11....I don't get your distinction. The salaries of elected officials are required to be published with the Preliminary budget, and I believe these cannot be changed simply by changing the published amount in the Final budget schedule. But we'll see when Mr. Cristo gets the opinion from OSC. I think the Preliminary budget salaries of elected officials are the Final budget salaries of elected officials. They are not supposed to change just by altering numbers.
ReplyDeleteFrom what I'm hearing via those who know the NYS Town Law on the budget process, changing the salaries of elected officials on the salary schedules published with the Preliminary and Final budgets is not lawful. I believe that this is what I attempted to communicate in my brief remarks at the Board meeting. So what is the result of this activity on the part of the majority? Does the Town have an illegal Final budget because the required salary schedules for elected officials were altered? If this is the case, what will the Board do to correct the situation? Make promises and backroom agreements, or pass the resolutions required to set matters straight and lawful?
ReplyDeleteI'm a concerned Citizen and lifelong democrat who has gone largely silent on local party issues however that time has passed. events have transpired over the last two years that have shattered my faith in the Democratic Party. recently the party has quietly endorsed raises to officials such as Toni Murphy. I want to like you, Toni, I really do. I can't support these raises in light of how callous you were for throwing your boss and some of your other friends under the bus for your own political gain (stipends). Now the board has awarded you a raise. How exactly have your duties changed to warrant this action? many of our residents are state employees who have not seen raises, some in more than three years. not surprisingly, Taxes continue to rise. Yet your actions somehow justify a raise. Sorry Toni I'm just not seeing it.
ReplyDeleteOk so we wait for the final word on what will happen with the town budget and the salary or our supervisor. Is Ginny O'Brien up for reelection in 2012? If she is then WE have a year to campaign against her and have her voted out. Let’s all work together and remove her from the board. She is a political animal and does not govern for the benefit of the citizens of our community.
ReplyDeleteDon, I'm on board with you. The rallying cry for the past two years is FOLLOW THE LAW! Really, it's all so simple. I have stated before and I'll always believe it, if any town board fills it's town payroll with family members, it is doomed to ethically fail.
ReplyDeleteTown Board Members are not properly governing, when family members are part of the deciding factor in the appointments, resolutions, and budgets they put fourth.
Take Ms. O'Brien for example, a big concern for her now is to have her husband re-appointed. Does this affect the decisions she makes? You bet it does, thus the family conflict of interest problem. It has the appearance that the extra family income for her, is more important than making an appointment for the good of the taxpayers.
Why not give the job to a qualified guy who is out of work with no means to support his family or a qualified single mom who is out of work. I like to think outside of the box.
I would like to make a suggestion. If you can spare five minutes, please read the new post on East Greenbush Prays.
ReplyDeleteWhat's the rush with the Witbeck PDD before the end of the year. Does a certain set of fingerprints need to be on it for appropriate "consideration" to be forthcoming?
ReplyDeleteSorry OLD EG, it's not the blogs that need to stop, it's the corruption in government that needs to stop. When we are governed according to the processes provided in the law, there will be not citations to make, and we can all live happily ever after. Your definition of peace is achieved with one's head in the sand.
ReplyDeleteOld EG:
ReplyDeleteYou've got to be one of the smartest people on the face of this earth - God Bless you for wanting to stop this NONSENSE and thats all it is. Nothing will ever be accomplished by writing such hateful.
Merry Christmas to OLD EG! I wish you the happiest New Year. I hope someday we get to meet.
#47 Since when has truth been defined as hate?
ReplyDelete#48 You must be one of the smartest people in the universe. Merry Christmas and keep writing.
#49 Read the latest comment on East Greenbush Prays and you might understand what has been going on in EG. NOT PRETTY! This is not the time to stop, it is the time to get more aggressive. Thank the Lord we have a group of people that are smart enough to realize the corruption that has taken place in EG and courageous enough to try to stop it. They need our help and prayers. Merry Christmas to THEM.
old EG, the problem is not the blogs. The problem is our self-serving local govt. officials. The problem is their deeds have been exposed. The problem is they don't like the taxpayers knowing what they have been doing with our money. The problem is they are now being challenged. The problem is our town has been run by a FAMILY mentality. The problem is there has not been a proper account for ALL the town's revenues. The problem is the CONFLICT OF INTEREST MAJORITY BOARD. The problem is people like you who wish we stop talking about all of the above and other things.
ReplyDeleteStop and think, we are not the problem, we are just discussing the problems. Stop this blog and you stop the citizens challenge or oversight of our local govt. You tell me, does the other blog challenge the oversight of our local govt., and if not why?
I can only think of one reason why this blog is the only one which posts information which our local officials would rather we not know. I will not state the obvious. We do not communicate here for the sake of HATE, but for the sake of CHANGE in how our govt. runs.
old EG, I am sure you will get a different answer elsewhere no doubt. I will continue to post here as I think you will too. That being said, Merry Christmas and may ALL our elected officials from this time forth FOLLOW ALL THE LAWS they took an oath to uphold.
One more thing old EG, without this blog we all would not have known that the Majority Board had a problem accepting the ORIGIONAL Ethics Draft the Ethics Board put forth. That's a piece of very important information. It seems that it challenged their FAMILY CONFLICT OF INTEREST problem.
ReplyDeleteA DICTATOR rules by silencing the opposition.
Some people think discussing what our elected officials are up to is NONSENSE. I think not discussing what our elected officials is up to makes NO-SENSE. Many times you can only get their attention when their feet is put to the fire. There's been NO Yule Tide logs burning at town hall, just rotten wood. It's been a long time since we shoveled out some of their ashes.
ReplyDeleteMy comments are referred to how they govern, not them personally. It is never HATE when you want things done RIGHT!
# 53 your right I just want the MONEY THEY TOOK BACK IN OUR BANK ! LETS TAKE A CLOSER LOOK at GEORGE the LOVELY person AND THE FRENCH MOUNTAIN this is there fight ( OVER TIME) the last super aloud them to do what ever ! THIS IS WHY WE HAVE SUCH A FIGHT , MONEY, MONEY folks
ReplyDelete#54 Who are GEORGE the LOVELY person and THE FRENCH MOUNTAIN? What is their fight? Did McCabe leave us with a mess that I do not know about? Should I know about it?
ReplyDeleteThere are some uncomfortable but interesting parallels between ex-Senator Pedro Espada hiring his uncle to work in his office and what we will soon see in the employment of Malone's mother and OBriens's husband working again in Town Hall. How many more immediate and extended family trails exist? Might be an interesting winter card-table game - kinda like a version of Scrabble. Perhaps it's time to ask how much the taxpayer is actually funding in family benefits for all the add-ons we have to deal with.
ReplyDeleteOh like you guys wouldnt put many of your compares back in town hall. WHo are you guys kidding; every supervisor (in time) or Town Board member whoever they may be will take care of their own family and friends - this is not nepotism; this is politics and its gone way back past the Corning Administration, yes in Albany - and its going to happen as long as we live in our little town of East Greenbush. What year were you born that you don't realize this is going to go on forever and ever?
ReplyDeleteNo 57
ReplyDeleteHere's the thing...
It is 2012 (almost) and tines change.
The town has been and remains in a deficit. Our credit ratings have been lowered.
Our taxes are excessive.
I used to try your line on my Mother. Her answer?
If all your friends jumped off the bridge would you jump too?
Surely you can see that living in the past is hardly way to make progress can't you?
#57... Your thought processes are a significant reason that corruption persists longer than it needs to. You admire "wink and a nod" management. The thing about corruption is that it usually persists just as long as the benefits to the corrupt outweigh the costs to the corrupt. I think some recent history indicates that a bunch of folks are succeeding in making that cost/benefit ratio a bit less "beneficial" to the previous beneficiaries.
ReplyDeleteMr. Jenkins said it well on "Prays:" "The old ways of doing "business" in East Greenbush are dead. For the love of God would you please realize this, you politicians and courtiers? We've only been saying it since 2009."
You also need to be reading some audit reports. Start with the S&P water/sewer bond downgrade to BBB in October of this year - two months ago. Sounds to me like part of the reason they're nervous is that the Town had no financials for 2010. A big thing they talk about is controlling expenses. It's building into a reason to NOT have elected Malone and Mangold.
#57 Now let me see. I think we have ONE Town Board member who has not put a family member on the Town payrole, thus taking money from the taxpayer. Ms O'Brien...NO. Ms Mangold...NO. Mr Malone...NO. I'll even give you another Dem politician-Mr McCabe...NO. Oh, I know, Mr Rick Matters...YES, YES, YES.
ReplyDeleteSo, you see, Mr Annon it can be done. Just give us a few GOOD men (or woman) and you would be surprised what could happen. I don't expect much from Mr Langley. Too bad!
#57, Why does the forever have to be forever? Why does change displease you? Because the taxpayers have been ripped off forever, does it have to continue? Why should the past dictate our future? What family member or members is Rick Matters taking care of? Please tell me what family member Keith Langley plans on putting on the town payroll? Maybe I'm missing something here.
ReplyDeleteWill the Organizational Meeting be held Mon Jan 2 or Tues Jan 3? Time? Thank you.
ReplyDelete@ 8:31 I think the worst excuse for anything is "that's always the way it's been done" yeah Corning was in charge of a large machine but that doesn't mean 40 years later we still have to follow the same path. At least I hope it doesn't
ReplyDeleteHow is MOM going to fix the illegal budget? The law says that the Final budget has to have a salary schedule of elected officials published with it. The excuse for not publishing a salary schedule to this point is that some Town employees had to be "discussed with." The elected officials are determined by processes outlined in the law, so why don't we have a salary schedule - and a legal 2012 budget? Looks to me like we don't have one. What's MOM doing about it???
ReplyDeleteI guess #63 you're not into politics or know very little about the system. I've only been in it for ten years and I've seen so many changes.
ReplyDeletePeople come and go due to the change of politicians; they retire (whatever) but you can always rest assure when one person leaves another family member/acquaintance will be right in that spot to fill the previous positions spot. Unfortunately its not always what ya know; but who you know. I've been very greatful for my position and I've been damn good at it. Proud to be a member of the system.
#65 Tell me what your position is and I will TELL YOU how good you have been.
ReplyDeleteThe only person leaving who blogs has been the sups secretary, just a guess.
ReplyDeleteNot true she is not leaving./.
ReplyDelete66 what make you the "expert"?
ReplyDelete67 if so, it's on her own time
Dear No. 62:
ReplyDeleteThe town's web site shows the organizational meeting scheduled for Monday, January 2 at 5:30 PM.
Should be VERY interesting.
One of the things to watch at the Organizational Meeting is the extent to which MOM has "gotten to" Mr. Langley and Mr. Matters on the issue of nepotism. Being Supervisor and a representative of "all the people" does not mean that an elected official should be caving to things which keep them from performing their jobs for all the people.
ReplyDeleteAt some point in time the drain on Town tax revenue attributable to jobs and benefits not particularly related to "necessary work" has to stop. Has anybody noticed that the OT study called for by the UHY audit and a workload analysis Town-wide has not even been discussed?
Nobody should be proud to be a member of a "system" which is run as a "cash and benefit milking" system. It's really a shame that people think that this is what municipal government is. Another approach could cut taxes by 15% to 20%. Just do the math.
71 Langley seems to be a reasonable man. Maybe he sees things more clearly than you.
ReplyDeleteJust because ot and staffing wasn't discussed with you doesn't mean it wasn't not discussed.
ReplyDeletevery very mature
ReplyDelete9:45 - are you for real? Do you even know what your trying to say? You make zero sense about anything and its kinda hard to pick out exactly where your headed with your ridiculous screaming.
ReplyDelete#73 - use heroine much ?
ReplyDeleteWOW #73 - really ??
ReplyDelete#73... I hope you talk better than you SCREAM. WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO SCREAM?
ReplyDeleteYou know its really hard watching this blog post junk , the other blog is eating you up its time for Cristo or Taylor to retaliate we KNOW WHO THEY ARE . Start going after them ,smoke them out. its time ! #73 I under stand what your trying to say next time try not to cap lock people will not listen if you act crazy! try a different name also.
ReplyDeleteWho is George and his wife ,and why do they both work for the town ! and why is he making (about) 80 a year at the sewer plant something SMELLS down there. Another thing who is watching him this guy is not certified to run the plant ! I know I see him every day . ITS all a big joke ! on the town . wake up people! the laugh is on tax payers
ReplyDelete#79, I don't read the other blog so I'm not really sure what to retaliate for. You are welcome to post what you want as long as it is true and doesn't get us in trouble. If you know who they are and they are posting their names, you are welcome to respond here or even post there.
ReplyDeleteWe never set this blog up to spend our time going back and forth, it's kind of a waste of time. When there is wrong doing, we tend to call attention to it. No elected official on either side has ever really been willing to post or participate and they have more skin in the game then we do. If the dems are still waging a war against Ann or myself for running a blog, it seems like it's more to distract attention from what their doing wrong than anything we're doing wrong.
This blog is to allow anyone in East Greenbush to participate. We don't carry the water for the entire town. If the public is not engaged and they are the ones who either voted for this board or didn't vote at all, then they have the government they want.
There is an old saying, revenge is for suckers. There is another saying too... sometimes the best defense is a good offense. Raise your own voice, convince your friends to get involved, attend meetings, run for office. Ann and I have been out there for a while. We've invested our own money, our time for the past few years. if the majority of residents don't get involved, nothing will ever change and personally... my time is way to valuable to bicker on line because you want us to. We've provided the platform... post what you want, but if it's over the line or too controversial... make sure you have the guts to put your name on it like we do.