In the Matter of the Alleged Violations of § 130 of the
Executive Law and sections related thereto.
File #: 2010-2399
PHILIP MALONE, notary public,

The New York State Department of State (the "Department"), in this administrative
proceeding instituted pursuant to Article 6 of the Executive Law, alleges the following as and for a complaint against Respondent:
1 . This proceeding is brought pursuant to § 130 of the executive Law to revoke or suspend the notary public commission of the Respondent. The basis for the Department's enforcement proceeding arises out of Respondent's actions in, among other things:
By notarizing numerous (26) signatures on a document affecting elections in the county of Rensselaer, when the purported signatories did not appear before him, did not sign the documents before him, and did not affirm their signatures before him, the Respondent committed multiple acts of misconduct in violation of Executive Law § 130;
By notarizing a document entitled "Opportunity to Ballot Petition" in the county of Rensselaer , which . would have enabled Respondent to be a write-in candidate in a county election, and in which he therefore had a direct personal and pecuniary interest, Respondent committed multiple acts of misconduct in violation of Executive Law § 130;
By notarizing the petition documents without specifying the venue of the notarial actions, Respondent committed multiple acts of misconduct in violation of Executive Law § 130, and violated Executive Law § 13 7;
By refusing to submit a written statement upon request of the Department's investigator, Respondent failed to cooperate with a Departmental . investigation, and thereby committed misconduct in violation of Executive Law § 130,
By threatening the Department's investigator with legal action for pursuit of the investigation into multiple complaints involving allegations of notarial misconduct, Respondent not only failed to cooperate with a Departmental investigation, by further committed an action of gross misconduct in violation of' Executive Law § 130.
2. The Department is a governmental agency charged with the regulation of notaries public and with the enforcement of § 130 of the Executive Law. Specific authority to bring this enforcement proceeding is provided by Executive Law §130. This proceeding is subject to Articles 3 and 4 of the State Administrative Procedure Act and 19 NYCRR Part 400.
3. The Department is a governmental agency charged with administration and enforcement of § 130 of the Executive Law.
4. At all relevant times hereto, the Respondent PHILIP MALONE ("Respondent”) was commissioned as a Notary Public, under license UID # 01MA6153478, with registered mailing address at 604 Chatham Ct., East Greenbush , NY 12061 , and with most recent licensing period ending 10/2/14.
5. On or about 7/20/10 and 7/21/l0, Respondent notarized twenty-six (26) signatures on a document entitled “Opportunity to Ballot Petition" (the "Petition").
6. The said Petition was intended to he submitted to the Rensselaer County Board of Elections, to allow an unnamed candidate to be a write-in candidate for election, which unnamed person was revealed during the Department's investigation to he the Respondent himself.
7. The Respondent's actions in notarizing a document in which he had a vested and/or pecuniary and/or beneficial interest in the outcome, that being, to be permitted to be a candidate for political office, were evidence of misconduct as a notary public.
8. The signatories to the Petition did not appear before the Respondent to sign the Petition.
9. The signatories to the Petition did not provide to the Respondent in-person acknowledgements of their signatures to the Respondent.
10. The Respondent tailed to identify the venue of his notarial act(s) on the Petition.
11. The failure to indicate the venue of the Respondent's purported notarial act is a violation of Executive Law Section 137, and constitutes misconduct pursuant to Executive Law 130.
12. Based upon multiple complaints filed with the Department alleging improper acts on the part of the Respondent in connection with the notarization oh the Petition. the Department conducted an investigation.
13. During the course of the investigation, the Respondent failed to submit a written statement upon request of the Department's investigator, clear evidence of a failure to cooperate with a Departmental investigation.
14. During the course of the Department's investigation, the Respondent advised the Department's investigator that he believed the complaints to be politically motivated, and that he would use the same political connections to have the Department's investigation quashed, which constitutes clear evidence of gross misconduct, and of a failure to cooperate with a Departmental investigation.
15. After commencement of the Departments investigation, the Respondent acknowledged his error to the Rensselaer County Board oh Elections, and requested that due to the "administrative error" on his part, that the Petition be withdrawn, which then happened.
16. During the course of the Department's investigation, information was brought to the Department's attention that legal action had been commenced against Respondent for similar notarial misconduct in the prior year, and evidence was submitted regarding an Order to Show Cause entered in Rensselaer County .
17. Regarding the prior action. Respondent was asked to submit a written statement, which he refused to do; clearly evidence of a failure to cooperate with a Departmental investigation.
18. The actions of Respondent constitute gross misconduct on the part of a notary public, pursuant to Executive Law Section 130.
BY REASON OF THE FOREGOING, the Respondent is charged with engaging in the following, acts of professional misconduct:
By notarizing numerous (26) signatures on a document affecting elections in the county of Rensselaer, when the purported signatories did not appear before him, did not sign the documents before him, and did not affirm their signatures before him, the Respondent committed multiple acts of misconduct in violation of Executive Law § 130;
By notarizing a document entitled "Opportunity to Ballot Petition" in the county of
Rensselaer, which would have enabled Respondent to be a write-in candidate in a county election, and in which he therefore had a direct personal and pecuniary interest, Respondent committed multiple acts of misconduct in violation of Executive Law § 130;
By notarizing the Petition documents without specifying the venue of the notarial actions, Respondent committed multiple acts of misconduct in violation of Executive Law § 130, and violated Executive Law § 137;
By refusing to submit a written statement upon request of the Department's Investigator, Respondent failed to cooperate with a Departmental investigation, and thereby committed misconduct in violation of Executive Law § 130;
By threatening the Department's investigator with legal action for pursuit of the investigation into multiple complaints involving allegations of notarial misconduct, Respondent not only failed to cooperate with a Departmental investigation, by further committed an action of gross misconduct in violation of Executive Law § 130.
WHEREFORE, the Department demands the following relief:
1. Revocation or suspension of Respondent’s notary public commission;
2. Such other and further relief as the tribunal deems just and proper.
Dated: April 22, 2011
Linda D. Cleary
Senior Attorney
The little boob is unfit for office. He's even unfit to deliver pizzas.
ReplyDeleteThe issue is Malone's CONDUCT as a notary. He is responsible to follow the letter of the law. If he can't do that, he can't be licensed as a notary. Here we have another "oops" in job performance from the Dem. committee.
ReplyDelete" During the course of the Department's investigation, the Respondent advised the Department's investigator that he believed the complaints to be politically motivated, and that lie would use the same political connections to have the Department's investigation quashed, which constitutes clear evidence of gross misconduct, and of a failure to cooperate with a Departmental investigation."
ReplyDeleteIt is this kind of arrogance that makes an individual unfit for public office. He is unapologetic, seemingly unwilling to accept responsibility for his actions and goes to his default of having his democratic friends , in his own words, Quash the investigation.
My question, since he brought it up is, exactly who are these friends of his who would be willing to interfere with a Department of State investigation and "Quash" this for him? Perhaps he should share the names of his friends who are willing to abuse the system in the same way he does. WE already know that McCabe and Murphy have no problem working outside the parameters of the system. Are they your "friends" Phil? PATHETIC!
In this case I say THROW THE BOOK AT HIM, REAL HARD! It's a shame, Phil is such a young man and is willing to get caught up with a bunch of political hogwash. Notice the date change, hmmmm, after the Nov. election.
ReplyDeleteYup, none of any of this is Phil's fault. Poor guy just made an "ERROR", when he signed off on 26 signatures that he was to personally benefit from. When I read it I actually laughed. It was really funny reading his excuse.
It's always the fault of someone else. Sure, blame your troubles on Mike Christo, how stupid a remark is that. Phil, you have eyes and can read right? You can tell the difference between a petition you walked around and personally verified the signatures, and a petition handed to you from someone else. Yeah, yeah get a good lawyer and find a technically in the law to get you off the hook, just like MaCabe and O'Brian did to kick Mike Christo off the board.
Oh yeah, and the politically motivated comment is a joke. Everything the current majority board does is politically motivated. Sounds like a little kid crying because he was taken to the woodshed.
Folks (lurkers), this is just another example of why we need new leadership in our town. Out with the OLD and IN with the NEW. The incumbents on the board need to GO! How arrogant they have become when it's time to be held accountable for anything. Phil let the CAT OUT OF THE BAG folks. He has FRIENDS that are willing to step into an investigation and apply pressure to redeem him. IMAGINE THAT PEOPLE, POLITICIANS ARE NOT TO BE HELD TO THE SAME STANDARD AS THE REST OF US REGULAR FOLKS. WHY???
OUT!, OUT!, OUT!, is the rallying cry. Are there a bunch of you out there ticked off about all of this? Name your party, who really cares, it's all about GOOD GOVERNING IN THE END. It is definitely time for Keith Langley, Dan Fiacco and Ed Gilbert to be sitting on the board next to Mr. Matters and Ms. O'Brien.
So the State made the charges on 4/22/11 and 4 months later wasn't enough time to come to the hearing??? It had to be adjoured ANOTHER 3 months until AFTER THE ELECTION??? ARE YOU KIDDING??? Think there's any politics involved in THAT decision? The judge should said "you're out of your flipping mind, you've had plenty of time, we're doing it in August, Go away," especially when you look at charge 16: same kind of legal action was initiated last year for similar charges! Corruption. Corruption. Corruption. It is a disease in our little town of smiling friends and back-stabbing neighbors. It needs to be rooted out.
ReplyDeleteBoss Hog and the Tan man to rescue
ReplyDelete#3 The same people who quashed (we're hearing that word alot) the stipend investigation, the scrapgate investigation, and so many other complaints about the way this town is run, will probably attempt to come to Malone's aid, albeit sparingly. They (and I don't know who "they" are) did get the hearing postponed until after Election Day, however, because Malone shot off his big mouth "By threatening the Department's investigator with legal action" it's doubtful that any of Malone's handlers will want to do much more for him than that. My understanding is that he said he would use his political connections to get him off the hook but what politician would want to be associated with a statement like that. The kid (at least he acts like a kid) is just an idiot and, in my opinion, UNFIT to be in office at any level. He also refused to submit a written statement at the State Department's request. Why? If he's innocent of the charges, why wouldn't he jump at the chance to respond. The fact that the hearing was moved until two full weeks after Election Day also, in my opinion, constitutes gross misconduct on the part of the government. If he is found guilty of these charges, he will probably already have been elected. Then, we're struck with him for four more years. People need to seriously think about that when they go to the polls on Tuesday (9/13) and then again on Election Day (Nov 8).
ReplyDeleteMcCabe can't be too happy that PJ is causing such a negative commotion 48 hours before Primary Day.
ReplyDeleteI bet PJ was stomping around like a crazy man when he found out the TU article would appear 72 hours prior to Primary Day.
I am dying to see if this will make a difference in the eyes of the voters. The Dem constituents got everything they wanted last year when their contracts were renegotiated. Now it's time for them to REALLY LOOK at the candidates and determine who is good for the town, not just for themselves, and who isn't. PJ ISN'T. I hope that's reflected in their voting.
C'mon, people. Do the right thing. Let's get rid of PJ (i.e. poor jerk) before it's too late.
I think everyone should come clean on this one. All you high and mighty people, please come out of the shadows. We want to know Phil's powerful friends who can manipulate the system at their whim. We can guess who a few are, but I am sure there are more. Step up so we all can pay homage to you.
ReplyDeleteYour lurkers out there, please take this into consideration when you go to the primaries. We want someone who has unquestionable ethics to govern us. Does the word intimidation sound familiar? The incumbents need to be yanked from "POWER" this year and let others lead by law.
All the power fantasies of these people need to be "SQUASHED", once and for all. Remember, no one will be looking over your shoulder at the ballot box. It's all about ALL of us, NOT just a few.
Why would he threaten a State worker who was simply just doing his/her job? Where does such arrogance come from? Is he not a friend of government employees?
ReplyDeleteWhy would he not cooperate with the State's investigation (refuse to provide a written statement)?
Why would he believe he has the ability to quash any such investigation?
If they exist, then who are these political friends - thugs - that would or might take such illegitimate (illegal?) actions on his behalf?
How does anyone commit an administrative error 26 times?
This is not the first time that he has had this type of problem? There was an earlier incident where his witnessing/his notarization was in question? Does he also have a strong case to refute those allegations?
Does he not look at the names when he notarizes? Why, then is he a notary public? What does it take to become one .. simply a pulse?
His mother (correction, mommy) witnessed all the signatures? Is there any proof of this? Do all 26 people involved agree to that? Is any of this believeable?
If he has a strong case, then why not get to it? Why delay this? Why delay this until after the Election?
What exactly has this guy accomplished in his year on the Town Board - excluding posing during photo opp moments and successfully getting his mommy on the Town Payroll?
Why does this guy walk around with such a look of smugness ... much like his friend, the Grand Pubahh of Town Hall?
Why is there always such a foul stench coming from Town Hall?
Why don't we all please vote this guy out of lives?
Are there any openings in the local pizza business?
If Phil Malone wasn't guilty of the charges levied against him, he would not have had his handlers postpone the hearing of this case until AFTER Election Day.
ReplyDeleteIf he wasn't guilty of the charges, he would have provided the written statement the Dept of State requested and used that as an opportunity to clear his name. He did not provide the statement.
The fact that he thinks he can beat the charges against him because of his political connections is both alarming and disturbing.
The fact that Democrats in this town HAVE used their political connections to beat the charges against them is also alarming and disturbing.
When is this town going to wake up and realize that we have a PROBLEM with elected officials who use politics for their own personal gain?
I hope a lot more people read this blog than contribute to it.
Does anyone know the name of a good exterminator? We have a lot of BUGS in our town. Ouch!
Ok guys, enough with the sarcasm. I don't care about the pizza stuff, irrelevant. The important thing is what is happening now. We have four people on the town board and a receiver of taxes person whose behavior is quite frankly, questionable. Over the past year many of their actions have been questionable. We have a DA who is useless when it comes to investigating matters in our town.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone have an eerie feeling about our local town government. It's like were are in a black hole, being sucked in. Is there a political bubble over our town? It's a bit like science fiction, really freaky and unsettling.
Are we set apart from other municipalities or are they the same too? Are we like little ants moving about in a laboratory? Are we being watched and manipulated?
Just some weird thinking on my part. Really, it's all foolishness. There is a serious matter I do think about. Politicians and politics are an interesting combination. Politicians may be good or may be bad. Their politics is what is most revealing. Most lie, lie, lie and put fourth an occasional truth. Throw me a bone once in a while for me to chew on. Just a little to give me a glimpse of hope.
Why should I settle for so little? My eyes see things differently. I have a perspective that is more accurate than what I am told. I demand more than what I am receiving from most politicians. What does the law require of every man or woman who is in the public's eye and receives a salary from the taxpayers? Let me think about this, I am hesitating for a moment.
No I will not post a link or give a boring exhortation. You all give it some thought for awhile. Each politician takes an oath of office to uphold the law of their office, and do their duties to the best of their abilities, then what?
Scandals and corruption plague our government at every level. The overseers are blind to justice. Yes, there are some who do not value $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ over their public duty.
Right is right and wrong is wrong no matter who is holding the Easy Button. It does not take long to figure out the character of elected officials if you listen to their politics and watch their actions.
My comments are leading me to this conclusion. Primary (Tues.) and Nov., I whole heartily support new leadership in this once beautiful town.
All parties are welcome to support new leadership. Together, we must break the political stronghold, that has been lingering in our town for much too long.
Do it for yourselves and do it for your kids. Better is good!
#14-I Agree....We Think Alike...Thanks
ReplyDeleteA Fed Up Taxpayer
The Mike/Mikey Town Hall blog has refused to post the text of the Department Of State charges against Board Member Malone related to his Notary dalliances. I'm pleased to see that you folks have printed the whole truth of the matter. Malone is whining that "it's political." Mommy and aunt Ginny didn't teach him anything???
Maybe if the EGPD wasn't hanging out at the DEM head quarters playing footsies with Mr. Malone they could actually be investigating him???
ReplyDeleteThis is the comment removed by a blog administrator on the Town Hall blog on the Happy Labor Day thread (followed by "nice try.")
ReplyDelete"What's hilarious at the same time as being very sad for our community is that you are betting on your folks not being brought before the law. Doesn't that bother you - assistant chief???
It bothers me that an outlet managed by an officer of the law is actually cheering the avoidance of accountability before the law."
It is a very troubling state of affairs if the law enforcement entity in a municipality is so identified with the political establishment that it could not enforce the law, should that enforcement involve the political establishment. It is beginning to appear that such a symbiotic relationship has developed. First Amendment rights notwithstanding, prominent law enforcement personnel are principal operators of the Town Hall blog. No wonder the ethics code is so long in its birthing.
ReplyDeleteThis is an exchange on the Town Hall blog"
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
Larceny of what ?? Exactly what was stolen ?
September 13, 2011 8:41 PM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
September 13, 2011 8:54 PM
The post removed by a blog administrator said:
"Tax money - air head."
The train is picking up momentum people. Chug, chug, chugging along to it's final destination. Smack into Town Hall. It is time to derail the current administration. Steady as you go, continually picking up passengers at every stop. CHOO, CHOO, ALL ABOARD!
ReplyDeletePhil Malone is, simply put, immature. He says and does things that demonstrate his immaturity over and over and over. He is also ruthlessly ambitious and believes that his political connections (meaning the powerful Democratic Party machine) enable him to operate outside any legal, ethical or moral guidelines.
ReplyDeleteKnowledgable political wags predict that Phil will assume the mantle of supervisor upon McCabe's expected early retirement. Now if that does not make you squirm what will?
East Greenbush needs change - desperately. McCabe and Malone need to get the message that we are sick of their poor management and even poorer leadership.
Speaking only for myself I would vote for a goat before I would vote for Phil Malone.
And as the expected push back comes from his supporters I ask one simple question: Name one single contribution he has made to our town? The guy has done nothing. And why? Because that's all he is good for - nothing. Vote he and his running mates out. Let's see what change can do for our town.
Would someone tell me the purpose of
ReplyDeleteWhy is it that everywhere you look in politics the Democrats are taking a hit, even in a district in NYC that has been Democratic since 1923, but here in EG they keep prospering?
ReplyDeleteWhy is that I know plenty of people in this town that on a national level vote Conservative, but in this town vote Democratic?
People need to get out and vote come election day, please people vote for a change in this town.
First, I would like to say, there are only two politicians in EG that I trust, Rick Matters and Ann Taylor. I am omitting Mike Cristo, for one reason only. It appears that Mike is not involved in Town politics at the present time.
ReplyDeleteSecond, I would like to ask, what about the Reps. reducing taxes? I just finished looking through the Advertiser. Something immediately jumped out at me. There was NOT ONE WORD ABOUT REDUCING TAXES, or, at least-NOT INCREASING TAXES, from our candidates, Fiacco, Gilbert or Langley.
The platform these men are running on could have been written by a Dem. Some examples are:
*Fiscally responsible policies that CONTROL TAXES and protect taxpayers. I see the word, control, not reduce. This sounds like they will go along with the Dems and add another tax increase. Do these candidates plan to work for us, the Taxpayers?
*Reduction of the town's record-high debt. How, by raising taxes? Please explain.
*Restoration of the town's credit rating. Great, but, where are the words, "without raising taxes?"
*Compliance with the state tax cap. Meaning, we will be taxed 2% MORE?
In my mind, most of this platform could have been writtn by a Dem. Are we subjected to Dems running as Reps, or Reps acting like Dems? Is this a case of, "Go along, get along?" If so, why should I bother to vote for any of you-Fiacco, Gilbert or Langley? Don't you people see what is going on in OUR COUNTRY? The people are sick and tired of high taxes. Lower taxes help the people. You say you want to protect town taxpayers, PLEASE protect our POCKETBOOKS!!!
Cathy, I believe controlling the taxpayers money properly will reduce taxes. The current administration per last year's audit has a internal control problem. They have poor management of the taxpayers money, WASTE! If you vote for the status quo, than you vote for leaders who will continue to pick your pocket even more. That alone should make you want to vote the incumbents out.
Observer, are you serious? Vote the incumbents out? Only a paltry few thousand people in EG vote and most of them are Dems. And if you're talking about the library vote or the school budget vote only a few hundred residents vote. Why don't you observe that?
ReplyDeleteWow! I have been away from all these blogs (here & the Times Useless) all because I'm sick and tired of all the sheep in this town not caring and allowing these Demorats (got cheese?) full control over the tax money they waste. Phil is basicaly a jerk and inmature...6 months ago while telling Joe Lamountain and Reggie at the transfer station he was promising everyone and anyone everything from brush pick up to blacktop on their roads to fill pot holes.....Hey Phil where is my pothole repair?
ReplyDeleteWe have elected officials who are using their office for the benefit of themselves and their family. They must be voted out in November.
Check out the current ethics code:
15.2. C., 2 and 5 seem relevant.
They're not living by the existing code, why can we expect anybody to live with a new one?
Dear No. 31:
ReplyDeleteThe revised draft of an ethics code was reviewed between the Ethics Board and the Town Board earlier this week in a "public" meeting.
The public was not allowed to speak. Member Matters did not attend. Members Mangold and Malone were 30 minutes late as was Town Attorney Liccardi.
A copy of the actual draft of the revised ethics code was NOT furnished to the citizens who attended. A very brief summary was provided.
The Town Board members will be submitting their language changes to the Ethics Board over the next week to 10 days.
The Town Board may schedule a public hearing, hopefully in October, on the final version of the revised ethics code at tonight's Town Board meeting.
The plan is to then include the final version of the revised ethics code on the November Town Board meeting agenda with a, again hopefully, implementation sometime in December.
The great unknown for the public, at this point, is what changes the Town Board makes to the revised draft. And unless the Town Board makes a copy of the document that was discussed this week available to the public the public will never be able to compare the draft submitted by the Ethics Board to the version that includes the changes the Town Board makes.
Citizens and voters can decide for themselves the level of confidence they have in this entire process. Was it a real and meaningful effort to have a well developed code of ethics or was it a purely political move intended to have voters believe that this Town Board is serious about its own ethical behavior when in fact they are not?
PS There will no retroactive complaints. So the various and many issues from just the last few years will be excluded from the current ethics process although they may still be filed based on the current or existing code of ethics.
One might reasonably surmise that getting Phil Malone's latest lapse in responsible behavior was a factor in the decision to exclude current issues from the ethics code process.
The Public Hearing is October 19, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. at the East Greenbush Town Hall.
ReplyDeletePete Stenson, designated hitter for EG Talks and the Democratic Party Committee has, very notably, not taken up the cause for Phil Malone's Notary Public legal troubles. But then why should he? Phil did what he did and compounded the original issue with an amazing display of his immaturity - he threatened the state's investigator. Nicely done, Phil. Keep up the good work.
ReplyDeletePhil Malone was, at one time, employed by the NYS Senate. One might reasonably conclude that for Phil this was his dream job. Phil left under unclear circumstances that he has never chosen to discuss, explain or share. Voters are left to wonder why would anyone leave such a good job?
ReplyDeleteThreatening the state's attorney is an amazing thing for Phil to do. And yet he is an apparently proud member of the Democratic Party ticket and fully endorsed by the rest of that team - McCabe and Mangold. To me that means McCabe and Mangold and the rest of the Democratic Party Committee take no issue with Malone's conduct - both doing what he did originally and then doing what he did subsequently. Birds of a feather I guess when one looks at issues like stipends, screwed up town finances, audits and all the rest of the things that make our town so much less than it could be.
Voters need to recognize that Malone is a part of a team that includes McCabe and Mangold and that all three of them are playing ignorant of Phil's amazing ethical, professional and personal lapses in good judgment.
I guess Phil, even at his young age, is a member of the East Greenbush good old boys club. But it seems to me that it is high time for that club to be disbanded.
I hope voters hold Phil Malone and his teamates accountable for his failure to conduct himself like a responsible adult and their failures to hold him to a higher ethical standard.
So after all these months ...what happened to the Junior Council Person? For my Health and sanity I have refused to look at any blogs for 120+ days!! Hope my blood pressure bills will keep up with me!!
ReplyDeleteHopeful Town Resident!