No politics, nothing controversial, just a simple post...kind of....
Has anyone else noticed all the signs littering the lawns and power poles. This is not an issue known only to East's everywhere. When I drive on Rt 4 and see LAST YEAR'S HAUNTED HOUSE SIGNS ATTACHED TO THE POWER POLES it's an eye sore. TAKE THEM DOWN! Once the event is over take your sign down. It's not difficult, you put them up, you take them down.
It's bad enough we have to deal with heavy traffic on Rt 4 and abandoned buildings on Columbia Tpke. We should not be subjected to haunted house signs that are a year old.
And the garage sale signs--once your sale is over, take the signs down. It's a simple courtesy that should be practiced.
If you are involved in an organization that is hosting a fundraiser you are welcome to post the event BUT once it's over, take the sign down. Seeing a sign for last May's Brooks BBQ is just ridiculous.
And the sandwich board signs advertising a school event....let's just say that when May hits I don't want to see a sign at Couse Corners advertising for the school's MARCH show. Take the sign down!
Sorry but enough is enough already with the old signs and something needed to be said. Your thoughts?
The blog is written and monitored by Ann Taylor and Michael Cristo. Comment's origins are unknown. Comments do not reflect the views of Ann or Michael. We hope you enjoy your visit to this blog! Sit back, relax, and weigh in on East Greenbush issues!
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The Organizational Meeting minutes is updated and a link for it can be found on the right of this page. Salary Addendum is attached.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
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Wow Ann you are so right. Maybe the town should start fining people that leave their signs up? I bet that would get them to take them down quick enough?
ReplyDeleteWhat about the business signs that are attached to street signs like the one by town hall for an auto repair shop,I think it's for Clinton Heights auto,or the one for Renselaer Welding ?
ReplyDeleteWhat gives these people the right to affix these signs to posts paid for with taxpayer money ?
Just take for example the tractor trailer sign at last years so-called election,Who would possibly enforce these restrictions ???
The building dept.should enforce the sign rules but don't....too busy .
I called and e-mailed the "walks on water" John Sawchuck about the sandwich board signs left behind after the plays at Columbia.That my friends is like talking to our towns supervisor,only Sawchuck has better posture and dresser better ,other than that he is all talk.
The trailer by weathervane is in violation of the Town's sign ordinance, but there is no one in the building department that has the courage to enforce it against Mr. Witbeck. The democrats know putting their names on it is a violation of the Town sign ordinance, but watch, they will ignore it again and do whatever they want, because they believe they are above the law. Toni Murphy thought so and so does Rick McCabe. They don't want to discuss the fact that they TOOK money they weren't entitled to. Mr. Cherubino would make anyone else who had a trailer sitting there like that move his trailer. Maybe we should encourage a bunch of trailers around Town promoting them for rent and turn this Town into the low class trailer park Mr. McCabe aspires to.
ReplyDeleteMr. Cherubino says he is a fair guy and does his job. OK Joe, show us all that you will enforce the sign law and get rid of the disgusting trailer sitting by the old Weather Vane. Who is anyone in this town that they are privileged to do what ever they please?
ReplyDeleteMs. O'Brien, you are a realtor, you should know and care about this issue. You want to promote this town, than get it cleaned up. Yes, trucks and trailers on the main drag looks dumpy. Tell Mr. Witbeck and others to make their property look decent for crying out loud. Let's have some pride in how our community looks.
It appears there are to many CLOSE connections to get things done around here. These property owners need to take responsibility for their property. If the "majority board" can't get it done, than it's time for new people to step in and get the job done.
You lurkers out there, are you happy with how our town looks? Do you care if some of the local town laws do not apply to certain individuals? It's time to stop all the political games with friends and family and have EVERYONE on the same playing field. The town board IS suppose to be accountable to all the citizens, not the favored few.
Come on folks, let's give this all some real deep thought. What is it that you really care about? East Greenbush is our home, would you let your house get run down? If someone worked on your house and you did not like the results, would you hire them again to do further work?
Let's for once, please drop the party labels. There is nothing wrong with change if you are not STUCK in the, "I will only vote for people in a certain registered party mentality." Like a breath of fresh air we NEED a change concerning who will be the new CFO of our town. We need a change concerning the "majority board." The way I see it is at least two have to leave to make the breath of fresh air happen.
Our town so needs a change in leadership. I am repeating a theme through out my comments because it is so important. Music in the park is nice and so in trimming the grounds at the town park. Heck, finally getting some paving in my neighborhood is good too. Long overdue to boot.
The integrity of the town leadership is what's questionable here. Way too many dots to be connected. Who is really holding who accountable in management? Do we have the best internal controls in our town, nope. Why not? The money we pay we should have better services and the very best internal controls. Come on, you know what I am talking about, no need to explain.
You lurkers who got connected to this blog last year have been fed a LOT of information. We are accused of BS'in here and you guys know we aren't. We are just a bunch of people who have been informed and want the appropriate action to take place. We want better leaders and a better East Greenbush. I think you would want the same too.
Doesn't Witbeck own the McDonald's property? Last time I drove by there I noticed that the vegitation growth all over the property (including through the asphalt) was overwhelming. It resembled the DMZ in Viet Nam - circa 1968. Great going Witbeck.
ReplyDeleteIt would be hilarious if some young thugs started gang-tagging that trailer. Turn it into something you see in the Bronx. Unless of course that's illegal. The illegal stuff remains the exclusive intellectual and physical and monetary property of Town Hall.
ReplyDeleteWe could picket on the sidewalk of the public road in front of the trailer, holding signs like "Move... That... Trailer!" (Reference to Extreme Makeover.) How about a Civil Action against the Town for allowing it if in fact it's in violation? Surely there's an attorney reading this somewhere who could at least advise a group of PO'ed taxpayers. Winning wouldn't really matter, though it would be nice. It's the media coverage that counts. What would the costs be if we did it ourselves?
ReplyDeleteCome on Ms O'Brien, use you realtor expertise and make a resolution if necessary to move the trailer and other junk that is littering Columbia Turnpike. You care about the parks, how about caring about the main road leading through town that EVERYONE has to look at.
ReplyDeleteTown Zoning Law 3.3.6 Prohibited Signs
ReplyDeleteC. "Portable signs, vehicle signs, sign trailers, signs on wheels or similar signs placed on wheels are prohibited...Any movable sign with wheels, such as signs mounted on trailers, advertisements painted on the side of a parked tractor trailer, or similar advertising devices are prohibited."
Well, if the opposition has any balls they'll file a civil action or organize a well advertised protest. How else do you ever expect things to change?
Ann...maybe mistook 9/20 for ghost town and the signs for the haunted house is current?:)
ReplyDeleteI took the time to check out our town zoning law 3.3.6 prohibiting signs too. Just Google it, that simple.
ReplyDeleteC. Portable signs, vehicle signs, sign trailers, signs on wheels or similar signs placed on vehicles are
prohibited. Sign normally appearing on commercial vehicles owned by the advertised business are
exempt from this provision, except such vehicles may not be parked on lands not related to the business
for extended periods of time for the sole purposes of acting as off-premise advertising. Any moveable
sign with wheels, such as signs mounted on trailers, advertisements painted on the side of a parked
tractor trailer, or similar advertising devices are prohibited.
If Ms. Mangold or anyone else wants their name on that trailer, they are breaking a town zoning law. Maybe Mr. Cherubino will enforce this law without citizens making the request at Town Hall Meetings. All candidates should get their name out there and do it fairly and legally.
We once called to complain after several 1-800-Got Junk signs appeared on telephone poles on our property. We were told there was nothing we could do, other than just take them down. It wasn't a punishable offense. I appreciate the need to advertise, but don't put them on my property without permission!
ReplyDeleteSo why wasn't anyone at tonight's Town Board Meeting complaining about this? Far better to complain here than to bring it to those who can do something about it, eh?
ReplyDeleteAnon. 13, why didn't you bring it up? Do you care?
ReplyDeleteJust sayin' Cherubino doesn't respond?
ReplyDeleteTrot a half dozen or so folks to the meeting and complain about it.
You know you're whistlin in the wind here unless you enjoy it.
Complaining at Town Board meetings doesn't seem to do much. They're a waste of time because the majority doesn't care. They've demonstrated that over and over. More radical action outside of meetings seems to work better.
ReplyDeleteI liked the law Colonie passed, please read the article, although it seems like they need to enforce it a little more.
Nah! No one is whistling in the wind here. If we were, the "you know who people" wouldn't have their pants all bundled up in a ball. Whistle on folks and speak you thoughts on how you view our local government.
ReplyDeleteToo much power corrupts too many people, it's just that simple. There are no checks and balances in this town. I agree that an Ethics Code of Conduct is very much needed for the benefit of the community. Laws and rules must be followed to better serve our community, but repeatedly they have been broken.
McCabe has his stipends, Mangold has her Hart family conflict of interest, which causes her to abstain from voting. Malone, well what can you say about him. He is along for the ride, (votes).
The current town council board is self serving. We deserve better elected officials, don't you think? Folks we are so overdue for CHANGE. The current town board has a record and it stinks. When you steal an election, you are not looking out for the best interest of the people.
I think the current majority has become callous to the people. Do they go home and say, I am so please for what I have been able to do for my community? Could they possible say, how can I further advance myself and my family in this town? Who and why are certain people making the big bucks in this town?
I want responsible people deciding how my tax money is spent. I don't want a bunch of family members talking about how much of a raise they are going to get. I don't want family members deciding who is going to get contracts from the town. I don't want a bunch of family members deciding anything in this town.
A family run town will not run efficiently and ethically in my opinion. You lurker out there must believe this to be true also. Forget the stinin politics and vote for change. It's time people, it's time for new council persons and a supervisor that has absolutely no affiliation with the current administration.
Very well, if Cherubino doesn't respond to blogs, we send or deliver an offical complaint quoting the above sections of Town Law. That stupid trailer even now has a "storage units available" sign on it, with a phone number. It appears to be a violation. We get half a dozen commplainants and then we pursue the legal channels and the media. Simple. Or, we set up our own rival heavy machinery, such as tracked construction vehicles, and we stage them on friendly territory. If one goes they ALL go. Volunteers?
ReplyDeleteNot to change the subject,but I live a 1/2 mile away from FunPlex ...
ReplyDeleteAm I the only person that can hear every word announced over the loud speakers from FunPlex ??
Seams like they have a new clearer system,I can hear loud and clear every time they need someone to help at the rock wall,the mini go-carts,the batting cages ,etc.
I know that we have a noise ordinance in town,but I'm told by the super-dupe that it doesn't apply to commercial property.
This is just another example of how the taxpayers are ignored if it means work for someone who doesn't know the meaning of the word.
Work is more than just coffee breaks and driving miles and miles around town in a town vehicle filled with gas that taxpayers pay for.
WE NEED A MAJOR CHANGE in how this "TOWN" is run,or is it RUINED???
Junkyards neighbor
Anybody catch the front page of today's Business section (Times Union) about FedEx? Talk about signs of the times: " won't win a beauty now little more than a concrete bunker with dozens of openings for loading docks. It's a far cry from old Albany International days, with its landscaped grounds and and relatively attractive red brick building." Too funny. (Hi Jim. Hi Mike.) We heard from Board member Mr. Malone last year at this time that the biggest issue facing EG was FedEx, and now the TU says the biggest issue is also the biggest building, and a butt-ugly one at that.
ReplyDeleteThat should please the would-be developers (Thompson Way, Carver Court) on Thompson Hill and environs to no end, since they will be looking right down onto that massive, noisy bung-hole of a project. Thank you, Ms. Jimino, for that inside deal announced at your little breakfast club before our Town Boards even had a chance to take up the issue in earnest! And thank you, Scamell Properties, for pushing so hard to give us this concrete monolith, going so far as to bring a former losing gubertanorial candidate (Mr. Faso) into our hallowed halls to give it that final thrust and make sure it got rammed home for Kathy.
And now FedEx wants a sign variance! Oh, strange and wonderful signs indeed. You just have to laugh at some of this stuff.
#21 Anonymous--"noisy bung-hole of a project"--I have to thank you for that little comment. That wording is the funniest thing I have read in a long time! That phrase made me laugh to the point of tears! As much as that behemoth is more of an eye sore than anything else right now, you found a way to add humor to a sad situation. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteFed Ex is a trucking terminal. It is pure function, no beauty there. Wait until the ugly, noisy, smelly trucks start heading down the highway. Man, are we in for a treat.