I was thinking about how difficult the past couple of years have been politically, not just here in East Greenbush, but nationally and wondering where we go from here... again nationally.
It's easy to get caught up in our own firestorm of politics here, but when you read financial papers, national headlines and look at the economy from different perspectives around the country, it seems almost everywhere, except maybe north Dakota, things are not improving much.
Here in the Albany area and in limited spots around the country, there is an appearance of things moving pretty well; however, that seems to be larger projects where major capital is being invested and benefiting a relatively small segment of the population. If you belong to one of the state unions, you felt the pain a little more this year than ever before and things are changing as we are getting to a point where we are at a breaking point with raising taxes and everyone is being forced to give a little bit.
I just watched a report that said that movie ticket sales were way down last year because the prices are too high and there are enough alternatives to seeing a movie and the public is expecting MORE out of their movie experience, meaning it has to be REALLY good to merit going to the theater.
Man, when hollywood is taking a hit we are in real trouble because it doesn't seem we produce too much else these days. I'm not sure what 2012 has in store, but it seems that if things on a national scale don't improve soon, we are going to continue to feel the pain in our own back yard.
I'm not sure what projects are on the boards for East Greenbush, but it seems that despite all of the projects we have approved over the years, our taxes don't change much. While I have the highest hopes for an improving economic condition, it appears that we may not have seen the worst of this economy yet. Banks still aren't lending, people aren't spending, (and when I say people, there is a lot of BIG money still sitting on the sidelines. Not sure what they are waiting for, but they are re-entering the market with great trepidation.)
Maybe we are truly at a point where both sides need to put the needs of the public ahead of their own personal ambition and the needs and wants of their party. The over spending needs to stop, the excess needs to stop and at some point we need to have a greater vision for tomorrow. The fingers crossed approach hasn't yielded much in the way of progress. We need to be more proactive and as we have seen in East Greenbush, we the public, need to be more involved.
Government will only do what public opinion pushes them to do. Given the opportunity you pander to special interest, they will every time, unless doing so will impact their ability to get re-elected.
Whatever the New Year has ahead, I hope it brings, good health, prosperity and good fortune to all... we sure could use it!
The blog is written and monitored by Ann Taylor and Michael Cristo. Comment's origins are unknown. Comments do not reflect the views of Ann or Michael. We hope you enjoy your visit to this blog! Sit back, relax, and weigh in on East Greenbush issues!
Link Update
The Organizational Meeting minutes is updated and a link for it can be found on the right of this page. Salary Addendum is attached.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
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Mike, I learned just last night that the Democrats and the Republicans held separate swearing in ceremonies. What a sad way to start a new administration and so much for the unity baloney in Pete Stenson's latest posting on EG Talks.
ReplyDeleteIf O'Brien, Mangold and Malone want to show some unity and sense of real responsibility how about they pass at the January Town Board meeting the ethics code, as written and as recommended by their very own Ethics Board?
In my opinion the most significant event in 2011 was the steady increase in citizen activism in East Greenbush.
Personally I view that as the single greatest factor in positive change in our town and I hope everyone feels the same way.
That would be grand if they would get to real business and think of the town first.
ReplyDeleteBut don't see that happening with those clowns.
As far as the economy, I am hoping that things turn around. Did hear that a lot of construction work opening up this year. So will see.
If housing would only move forward..
I understand that the banks are not allowing sales to go through also due to the appraisels and what the seller is asking for homes.
And where are the jobs??
My child is in their first year of college this year and is unable to find anything to help with expenses. Has applied everywhere their has been a help wanted sign and nothing still. Wondering what the college degree is going to get them when they are done?
If they were sworn in together you would complain about that to.
ReplyDeleteI want to add a significant event in 2011 to the list. The OSC coming to town for an overdue audit. Someone commented on another thread that the town had three months to prepare for the audit which was way too much time. Will someone tell me if proper procedure was followed by the OSC?
ReplyDeleteIt is my understanding that Keith Langley won every election district. If this is true, I find that very significant also.
Right on Anon.1, concerning the most significant event in 2011. A steady increase in informed citizens held our elected officials accountable and got positive results for the good of all residents of East Greenbush.
My pick for the second most significant event in 2011, is the failure of the town board to accept the original ethics code, that was drafted by the Ethics Board. To me this casts the town board in a very unfavorable light.
Go figure this event, but certainly worthy to mention. It's the stripping and then returning monies to our Supervisor-Elect salary line. There is more to say on this one, but I'll refrain from speaking them.
Come to tonight's organizational meeting at 5:30. Be informed as to the appointments our town board is prepared to make. It will be worth a late dinner and a babysitter.
One significant "omission" from tonight's Org. Mtg. was the actual appointment of Joan Malone as secretary to the Town Attorney and Mike OBrien as Data Collector. I think the "gimmick" was some kind of "appointment by reference" to the salary schedule and was done this way to avoid the necessary abstention by Malone and OBrien respectively on the appointment of their relatives and therefore the required third vote by Langley or Matters. The argument advanced that they can do these appointments this way is that when these appointments were made to these positions last year, it was for two years. Funny thing is that when you look at last year's Resolutions, there is no such language. Maybe they can manufacture some in the basement in the next few days.
ReplyDeleteThis is exactly why folks are calling for a cleanup. Personally, I'm not so happy with the way Mr. Langley and Mr. Matters avoided the issue of such obvious nepotism.
But come to think of it. What happened tonight is exactly what MOM was angling for when they did the number with the "Final" budget in whacking the Supe's salary for nepotism votes.
Please stop give them a chance
ReplyDeleteSome of you will never be happy unless there drama
ReplyDelete#3 you think they are going with the theory of picking the right battles to fight first. I would say after reviewing the vidieo . That Matters is trying his best at this point. HE didn't have enough info to vote against and he didn't have enough info to vote for. So he did the next best thing.
ReplyDeleteYou have to remember also that Rick is not trying to pull the wool over anyones eyes and that hs is pretty fair guy. He doesn't have any other motive other then being honest and fair.
Which we can't say about the rest.
#5 If what you are saying is true, the Town has to know what these slicksters pulled last night.
ReplyDeleteAll the EG res have to know what these people are still up to. Nothing in this Town will be on the up and up until we get rid of MOM.
I hope someone will be able to get this in the Advertiser. Again, everyone in EG has to be informed concerning these self serving pols and how they will pull anything to benefit THEMSELVES. With Malone, O'Brien and Mangold, everything is ME, ME, ME. They couldn't care less about the ordinary people. That's you and me.
I am not sure who voted for Mangold or Malone or O'Brien, But it sure wasn't me. I give them all the rope to hang themselves and they are doing a pretty good job of it from where I sit.
ReplyDeleteWho actually has more power? the board or the current supervisor?
ReplyDeleteWell, friends and neighbors, if you missed last night's organizational meeting you missed watching the taxpayers get screwed in a series of 5 to 0 votes.
ReplyDeleteWe now have enough deputy this and assistant that and deputy assistants and assistant deputies that East Greenbush can do it's own version of that old Abbott and Costello skit" "Who's on First".
So, our town has been and continues to face a large deficit. And the Town Board's solution? Add a bunch more do-nothing nepotism and patronage positions - all of which passed 5 to 0.
You know in the insame asylum the normal person is abnormal. That's what it felt like to be in the audience last night.
Dear No. 7:
ReplyDeleteI think all of us would be happy if we had confidence that our town's leaders did the right things the right way for the benefit of the people they were elected to serve not screw.
If they cared as much about us regular, little people as they do about jobs, at our expense, for their family and friends.
If they made good decisions and if they communicated the truth to us instead of hiding everything possible.
What you describe as drama is simply the result of citizen activists holding politicians accountable. If these same politicians were running the town properly we could all go do something else.
Drama it may be but can you describe the shenannigans in and around town hall as anything but?
How is it that all the other members have the information and Matters doesn't? Can anyone explain that one here. What they having secret meetings and leaving Matters out o it..
ReplyDeletejust seems funny they are right there to vote and know all the in's and outs of what is going on ..
Weren’t there a number of public presentations concerning the Witbeck PDD?
ReplyDeleteWhy didn’t Mr. Matters ask about the value of what’s being granted to the PDD applicant by the town versus the value of what’s being granted to the town by the PDD applicant at one of these meetings, or when he met with the applicant's consultant, or raise the question before the vote was called for?
I see Mr. Matters as a conscientious and honorable person, but think it was unwise to abstain because he lacked information that he may not have sought.
Typical EG. People are well paid yet we still have to see a Rick McCabe's passport photo on the Town Website - identified as Supervisor. In the words of Col. Trautman in First Blood, "It's over Johnnie!!!" F-N update the website.
ReplyDeleteThings haven't been good across the country, but we cannot blame all of the problems locally on what has happened across the country. The way I see it someone somewhere needs to put a stop to all of the spending whether it is on the national level or local level. To me people just can't afford it anymore. You can't save money by doubling your spending.
ReplyDeleteIf you haven't read this persons (Frank j. Fleming) ebook I recommend it or you can find clips of him on the internet.
Here is a little clip from his book:
"Deficit Reduction Some people are concerned about government spending; I can’t fathom why. It’s not really their business; it’s the government’s. Still, Obama heard the cries of the people and has made it his concern and tackled government spending in the most ingenious ways imaginable. If you found out you were spending too much, what would you do? You’d reduce your spending. It’s the simple solution any moron would gravitate towards. But Obama is no moron, so his way to reduce the deficit is much more clever: Increase spending. Yes, he is going to reduce the federal deficit by increasing government spending. It blows your mind, doesn’t it? Once again, aren’t we so lucky to have someone who thinks so far outside the box? See, Obama is going to grow our way out of this deficit. The more he spends, the faster we grow, and the quicker we get out of debt."
When it comes to paying more in taxes we always see a raise. So what is new? East Greenbush has been getting screwed for years. So what is new? Just the New Year!
ReplyDelete#17 Jim Cozzy I think Mr Fleming is off the mark.O bama is a socialist.When O bama speaks about change does he tell you what he means? No He speaks about the world order,most people do not understand that either.His first 2 years of his term when he jammed a national health care system in the govt, he was so far to left he was off the map.Now he has moved more to the center of politics to try to appeal to most voters to try to get re elected. Why do you think he has so much money to spend on the election? I will tell you why.The most powerful people in the world are giving him money. He is their messenger.Like all socialist countries in Europe they bankrupt the goverments and then common people rely on them.If you like looking at different view points check out the trilateral commission and the Bilderburg groups.Many of these members are involved in our federal govt.One example is Robert Gates he was Bushs secretary of defense and he stayed with O bama because he was on the trilateral commission in which there are published lists.But ask yourself one question-why would all of these big money people in this world give him unbelievable sums of money for his campaign when the country is in such a mess.There is more to this then meets the eyes. I like to watch boths sides of the political story.So if you like to research checkout this side of story
ReplyDelete#12 Please, who got what jobs? Who is Langley's Sec, Bookeeper, DPW Comm Asst, Etc?
ReplyDeleteWhy are you so nosey? If you weren't hired to work in the town hall, why does it mean so much to you who got jobs and who didnt?
ReplyDeleteWell, we had the organization meeting on Monday and yesterday my tax bill arrived.
ReplyDeleteScrewed twice in one week by our town's "leaders" seems kind of unfair.
ReplyDeleteIn socialism, man exploits man.
In capitalism, it's the other way around.
Obama's been blocked every step of the way this year by the tea party members of the House.
He's got to grow some spine and call them out for it when he wants to get something through Congress.
Dear No. 21:
ReplyDeleteI must confess your question amazes me.
I think the simple answer it is IT IS OUR TOWN.
Our taxes fund every job for every family member and friend on the town payroll.
But, there's more so I offer you this quote:
"Sunlight is said to be the best disinfectant."
Louis Brandeis
The town officials in East Greenbush have a long and sad history of working hard to conceal things from citizens. And from that has sprung the number and passion of citizen activists.
Hey, jerk #21...I am INTERESTED, because MY money is helping to pay the salaries of the Town employees. If you don't care where your money goes, being stupid is your prerogative. "Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise". I wish you continued happiness.
ReplyDelete#19 Mr. Fleming is a political satirist, if you have read any of his stuff it is quite funny. Thats ok take him any way you want to.
ReplyDeletehere is a link to more stuff by him:
I think all of us here with the exclusion of #21 are concerned were are money is going. I am with each year taxes are going higher and higher.
ReplyDeleteAnon 24, I like your quote. Here is a quote that that rings oh so true, "One of the penalties of not participating in politics, is that you will be governed by your inferiors". Plato
ReplyDeleteThat quote ought to shake up a few people. It's time for more people to get off their butts and get involved. There is no such thing as being too "nosey", when we annually fork out the taxes we do.
I am thankful for "nosey" people, because information empowers the people. Why do you think they would rather keep us in the dark?
Everyone is getting ready to pay their obligations to all the tax entities. We are talking about lots of money here. Those who are INTERESTED have every right to know to who and how our money is being spent.
The Organizational Meeting is a real eye opener as to how "nosey" more people need to get. Mangold said informed voters was a good thing in a campaign ad. So where is the line between informed voters and "nosey" voters? Maybe the line is, just take us at our word.
How come people do not like their tax money going to someone who got caught abusing their position at a State Agency??? Why don't they like their tax money going to pay for the likes of some old fart (who should be put out to pasture or at least to some nursing home) who sits around an office, holding a completely unnecessary position, while doing nothing all day ... except for the occasional Internet blogging? I can't imagine a more highly qualified incompetent ... I mean individual.
ReplyDeleteWho could possibly be writing the above blog except for a town hall employee who is keeping tabs on everbody except the job that he/she is assigned to do.No one except the Supervisor and Town Board are important. Everyone can be let go at any time except for the Union members and they also have to BEWARE. I have a feeling I know who SHE is and SHE is very lucky so SHE should mind her own BUSINESS instead of being a nosey body. Believe me, the tension in that town hall is as thick as ya can get it - so BEWARE. All eyes are on Y O U.
ReplyDeleteWhich comment is Mind your p's and q's referring to?