Link Update

The Organizational Meeting minutes is updated and a link for it can be found on the right of this page. Salary Addendum is attached.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Food or Ann Taylor

A few funny things happened Saturday.  Actually it wasn't a funny thing that occurred, it was everyone's reaction to it that was funny.  I will explain.

I was having lunch at Panera.  They were serving a big crowd and doing a great job.  Everyone was friendly and the food was great.  While I was sitting and enjoying my meal, an alarm sounded...and sounded....and sounded....and sounded.  The employees in the food preparation area all looked at one another and each said they didn't do it.  Mind you, this alarm is sounding loudly enough so people on the other side of the Hudson can hear it....yet not one person interrupted their meal to get up and leave, including me.  I assume everyone believed it was a false alarm but for takes a WHOLE LOT of distraction for me to leave my meal...not even an ear piercing alarm could pry me from my food.  Then the manager began walking around and instructing customers they had to leave.  Guess what everyone's next move was----each one of us picked up our food and took it with us.  Not one of us was willing to leave our food---we simply took it and ate it out in the parking lot!  This was not a decision made collectively at a meeting or even by taking a vote.  None of us spoke, we simply reacted and we all decided the food was just way too important to leave behind.  As I left Panera (food in hand) I could not stop laughing and thought, "In many ways all people are alike!  Food comes first!"

Food or Alarm???  Guess many of us would choose food.  What's your favorite meal?


  1. I would have to say seafoood. Seafood is the best.. lobster, clams, shrimp. Give me some warm butter or hot sause. I am in heaven.

  2. I'd get writers cramp if I listed all my favorite foods and not only would I have taken my meal with me... I'd have taken the dish, silverware, whatever. Favorites really depend on my mood, day of the week, time of the year and how long it's been since I had a really good slice of pizza.

    I think it is suffice to say that peanut butter is the nectar of the Gods!

  3. No way would I leave Panera without my food for sure. My favorite dish is chicken mixed into rice, cream of chicken soup, milk and sour cream. It is also great on noodles. Sprinkle Cajun seasoning on top when eating. It sounds simple, but I love it as well as my husband and kids.

  4. People should take these alarms more seriously. Look at the old Regan's Restaurant on Rt. 4 (where Alexis Diner is now.) People were still dining in the restaurant when the fire department was called for a smoke investigation. A roaring fire was going on directly over the diner's heads. You know the rest of the story....


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