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The Organizational Meeting minutes is updated and a link for it can be found on the right of this page. Salary Addendum is attached.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

UPDATE East Greenbush Dirty Pollutants Make the News!

As reported on News Channel 13:


  1. As always, the dems say don't look back but forward........well, we do have to look back! With the dems having been running our town until 2012, it was them that just kept ignoring the orders and paying the fines. If Langley hadn't been elected we might never have known.
    And just look at what Ginny O'Brien said when Langley got elected!
    O’Brien also said that the supervisor’s salary was reduced and that there was a specific range built into it. She said she feels that Langley must be in the position for a longer period of time before he is paid the same salary as McCabe.
    So Ms. O'Brien what do you have to say now!! I say that all of the dems that were running our town should all pay for these fines out of your own pocketbooks, and that includes McCabe!!!

  2. The sewer problem has been in EastGreenbush for years the 80s and 90s.This is not new news.Maybe the politicans should deal with it.It has been 20years or more with this problem and not dealt

  3. What I don't like about the whole thing is they make Keith out to be the bad guy, and he really had very little to do with this. This has been going on for years, and he has been in office for months.

    Another thing I find funny is that the town has just kept building and building for years knowing damn well that the sewage treatment plant couldn't handle of the stuff it was getting, so why give it more to handle? Only in EG baby

  4. So Anonymous at 6:22.... If this goes back to the '80's and '90's, doesn't that mean that people like VanVoris, Joan Malone, Kim Halloran and Ginny O'Brien have more responsiblity for the neglect of the problem than just the responsibility we can document through the dates of the Orders on Consent? DEC got involved in 1999/2000 and we have records of this. But you are saying that it was going on much earlier than that. Just goes to show that unless the people are watching, there is just no accountability or responsibility.

    And we don't need a strict ethics code because everybody in public service in this town is above reproach.....


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